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  1. Beyond CMOS

    Chinese firm backs out of Jhelum coal power 330MW project

    The efficiency calculations are not entirely correct. The rated power of a solar power plant (say 100MW) already acoounts for the low solar efficiency (17-19%). At peak Sun one expects 100MW output. However peak Sun occurs only for 4-5 hours in a day. So a 100MW solar plant only generates 500MWh...
  2. Beyond CMOS

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions [Thread 2]

    I think the dude meant "prakshepan-astra" meaning missile in sanskrit. C'mon guys, no need to be so superstitious..
  3. Beyond CMOS

    India to produce 1.1% more power than necessary this fiscal

    By definition all development is a work in progress, especially in a developing country like India. However, on balance generation and transmission are less of a bottleneck than distribution. In 2014, India completed the "One Nation One-grid One-Frequency" program, which interconnected all of...
  4. Beyond CMOS

    India to produce 1.1% more power than necessary this fiscal

    Not very sure on that. The jury is still out. Basic idea of the UDAY scheme is to make State governments take over the debt of the discoms. This effectively reverses the 1990s reforms where discoms were (somewhat) independent from state-government meddling. My worry is that moving discoms back...
  5. Beyond CMOS

    India to produce 1.1% more power than necessary this fiscal

    Issue is not supply and demand of electricity. Both will naturally increase with time. The issue is maintaining an efficient market for electricity where supply and demand can be met. While India seems to have solved the problem of electricity generation and transmission, we have not solved...
  6. Beyond CMOS

    India to produce 1.1% more power than necessary this fiscal

    Most discoms sell power at subsidized rates to farmers, homeowners, etc. The only people who are charged market rates are commercial users.
  7. Beyond CMOS

    Indian Space Capabilities

    Few issues with this one: 1. No one will sell ISRO (or any one in India) a 32 nm production line. By an large 32 nm (and smaller nodes) are proprietary technologies of respective foundaries. There is deliberate technology denial here. 2. The 180 nm line is a second hand line that has been...
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