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  1. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Saudi Arabia received 153 additional US M1A2 Main Battle Tanks MBTs at the end of 2021

    What I wrote is that KSA has no ongoing border disputes with any neighbor or vice versa. Also KSA has no intentions to invade any smaller Arab neighbors if that had been the case it would have done it ages ago when those same allied countries were far weaker. It makes no sense to do that today...
  2. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    The most powerful fighters in the world.. F-22 Raptor, F-35 and Rafale protect the UAE from the Houthi militia

    Nonsense. The conventional firepower of all combined Arab armies could flatten tiny Iran (in comparison) within hours. Just take a look at the firepower available for small GCC states alone such as Qatar and UAE. It is absolutely ridiculous. It is a joke/insult to compare 500 million Arabs and...
  3. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    "Makkah and Madinah News and Updates"

    I hope that the ongoing projects will finish as soon as possible so Makkah (in particular) and to a lesser extent Madinah won't look like huge building sites.
  4. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Saudi Arabian made passive radar system SAMIT (250 km range)

    It is worth noticing that other radar systems (electro-optical, jamming systems, entire multilayered "national shields" etc.) are simultaneously being developed while we speak; and many others
  5. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Saudi Arabian made passive radar system SAMIT (250 km range)

    Passive Radar System (SAMIT) The early alarm concept was previously relying on large radars which cover wide areas. The threat was limited to large combat or reconnaissance aircrafts. The operational concept is still important and its threat still exists; however, a new threat has appeared...
  6. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Saudi Arabia's mineral wealth could top $1.3 trillion amid Kingdom’s aggressive exploration plan

    A bit of both. A nomadic existence at times is great. It has been an amazing journey so far. I would never have expected such profound changes (mostly for the good) within such a short time. There is an amazing buzz about KSA nowadays which reflects the demography (2/3 of the population is...
  7. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Sovereign Wealth Funds in KSA and the GCC (total wealth approaching $4.0 TRILLION)

    Amazing. It feels good to be rich. Meanwhile others in the region (a certain failed sanctioned and Arabized entity included) barely have bread to eat.
  8. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Saudi Arabia received 153 additional US M1A2 Main Battle Tanks MBTs at the end of 2021

    BTW many of the components of this Saudi Arabian version are made in KSA as well as the repairs. :lol: Are you seriously asking me why states, in the Middle East of all places, are arming themselves or in the possession of offensive and defensive weaponry? If KSA wanted it could incorporate...
  9. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    CNN Exclusive: US intel and satellite images show Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with help of China

    Did you know that Arabs taught Farsis missile technology as Arabs pioneered this technology among Muslims closely following the end of WW2? Speaking about missiles. I suggest reading about the Syrian and Libyan assistance. Or earlier Egyptian and Iraqi programs (decades before Iran even knew...
  10. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Saudi Arabia received 153 additional US M1A2 Main Battle Tanks MBTs at the end of 2021

    Total tank force (available, not including the ones not yet received) is probably around 1000 nowadays as the article states. Anyway nobody outside of USA, China and Russia is capable of invading and occupying KSA (even that would be incredibly difficult if not impossible given the sheer size of...
  11. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Picture of terrorist PKK leader removed in Iraq’s Sinjar

    I have nothing against Iraqi or Syrian Kurds. Almost all of them have heavy Arab admixture (ever since they appeared in what is today tiny Northeastern Syria and tiny Northern Iraq) and are by large heavily Arabized. My problem is purely historical and political. Historical in the sense of...
  12. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Saudi Arabia asks citizens in Ukraine to contact embassy, arrange immediate departure

    Are you envious or what that you can't afford a trip to Ukraine?:lol: Anyway that is not the case. To begin with there are hardly any Saudi Arabians in Ukraine of all places. Those that reside are either students (male and female), military personal (KSA and Ukraine have had a close military...
  13. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Israeli officer to be stationed in Arab country in historic first

    What are you blabbering about? Israel is de facto an Arab country already. 20-25% of the Israeli population is Palestinian Arab. 2/3 of all Israeli Jews are Arab Jews. Jews originally from Arab lands be it KSA, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Lebanon, Jordan etc. Look at...
  14. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Picture of terrorist PKK leader removed in Iraq’s Sinjar

    Are you kidding? If Iraqi Kurdish women are good looking, I am a Papuan. The few good-looking Iraqi Kurdish women have Arab ancestry. The fake historical entity KRG (Northern Iraq is ancient Semitic and Arab land, Kurds did not exist until recently and their name was even invented by an Arab...
  15. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Iraq Is Trying to Escape the Iranian Cage, and Tehran Isn't Happy

    Why is this inferiority ridden Arabized farsi troll barking this madly while writing (not surprisingly) utter nonsense? Most of the world's 500 million Arabs are Pan-Arabs by nature. That has always been the case. Hence this map, which makes your tiny entity laughable in comparison which it...
  16. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Saudis giant troll / propaganda army

    It is astonishing to see the Farsi obsession in regards to Arabs and KSA in particular. It is no wonder given that Farsis have been heavily Arabized for the past 1400 years after the glorious Arab Islamic destruction of the oppressive fire worshipping Sassanid regime. In many senses Iran has...
  17. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Arab World and China Cooperation and News.

    China Focus: China-Arab cooperation gains steam despite pandemic Source: Xinhua| 2021-08-20 00:23:00|Editor: huaxia Guests attend the fifth China-Arab States Expo in Yinchuan, northwest China's Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Aug. 19, 2021. The four-day event will feature trade fairs and...
  18. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Arab World and China Cooperation and News.

    China-Arab States Cooperation Forum Holds the 17th Senior Officials' Meeting and the 6th Senior Official Level Strategic Political Dialogue 2021-06-23 18:01 On June 22, 2021, the 17th Senior Officials' Meeting and the 6th Senior Official Level Strategic Political Dialogue of the China-Arab...
  19. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    CNN Exclusive: US intel and satellite images show Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with help of China

    Rumored inventory (most confirmed) Type: DF-3A Max range: 2800 to 4000 km Length: 24 m Diameter: 2.24 m Weight: 64 tons Type: DF-M1 Range: 1900 to 2500 km Height: 18.5 m Diameter: 1.25 m Type: CSS-5 Range: 4000 to 5500 km Type: CSS-6 Range: 5000 to 6500 km Type: DF-11 Range...
  20. ArabianEmpires&Caliphates

    Saudi Arabia to Host World Defence Show in 2022

    Saudi Arabia launches national military academy to meet 800 needed skills FAHAD ABULJADAYEL HEBSHI ALSHAMMARI February 06, 2022 RIYADH: Saudi Arabia is launching a new national military academy to address the skills gap in the industry, a top official told a conference in Riyadh. The academy...
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