ALTAY Ana Muharebe Tankının seri üretimine talip firmalardan istenen ikinci “en iyi ve en son teklif" için (Best And Final Offer/BAFO) uzatmaya gidildiği öğrenildi. C4Defence daha önce Savunma Sanayii Müsteşarlığı'nın (SSM) ihaleye katılan firmalara yeni bir çağrıda bulunduğunu yazmıştı. Buna...
Of course quality an important member or building or manufacturing. I meant that the builder of Altay tank mostly will be an assambler. Most of parts manufactured in different factories. The tank builder will assamble that parts. So the building quality will be similar in the cadidate companies.
It is not important that which company built it becouse builder company making montage the part part which are made in different factories as Roketsan, Asselsan etc.
The important point is building the tank in a short time.