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  1. xkasx

    SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

    We knew about the Chengdu J-20—China's fifth generation stealth fighter. As it turns out, it's not the only one. According to China Defense Blog, this is the J-21/J31. It looks even more like the F-22 Raptor than the Chengdu. China Defense Blog says that this new plane is being developed...
  2. xkasx

    Can Volvo RM-12 Jet Engine Replace Thunder's RD-93 ?`

    Lol give the poster a break dude:p he made a mistake about a year ago and this was cleared on the first page that geely just bought volvo cars:p no need to get all clever :p
  3. xkasx

    Anti Drone Technology made by Pakistan Students.

    lol, pc power supply, a multimeter showing some voltage ( i doubt its frequescy ). a motion sensor ( in a mouse like body i wont be surprised if its just a mouse with its motion sensor, they are usually red but may be hes using an infrared one). this is kinda school science project man. Im an EE...
  4. xkasx

    Micro Drones made by a private company of Islamabad

    May be develop it into something like this concept
  5. xkasx

    America in Afghanistan , Avatar in real ?

    I was referring to the movie avatar :p
  6. xkasx

    America in Afghanistan , Avatar in real ?

    I don't know if this has been posted before but this story has been out from a while.. ( if its been discussed can the mods delete this thread:p) (CNN) -- U.S. military officials and geologists have determined that the mineral deposits in Afghanistan are worth nearly $1 trillion, the...
  7. xkasx

    Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

    I said a Gatling gun I didn't say specifically a 30mm Gatling gun. And when a lot of senior members talk about a stealthy version of JF-17 do you think they simply talk about making the current version stealthy ? No certainly it will need design modifications. what i meant was it can be used as...
  8. xkasx

    Does PN need any separate air-striking force and base?

    A little off topic but just as the members are discussing trade routes. What are the chances of Pakistan leasing a port ( or navel base ) to china? Don't you think during war time India will have to think twice before blocking that port ? in that way the Chinese can have what they are...
  9. xkasx

    Karakorum - 8 (K-8) | Jet Trainer Aircraft.

    Put Gatling guns on K-8 and try to get something like A-10 thunderbolt out of it :p
  10. xkasx

    Begginer's Radar Class

    Thanks everyone who replied, I was hoping this thread will develop into some kind of Radar Questions and Answers topic, I started off with basic notes and was hoping to share more material on radars. but it seems that this will go unnoticed. Anyway thanks guys, Specially some senior members (...
  11. xkasx

    My tribute to paf--Pakistan Air Force = New 2011 = video

    Lol the sound track in Black Blood's vid sounds like Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 Sound track PS: Amazing vids both of you guys :)
  12. xkasx

    Begginer's Radar Class

    Going through the topics on Air crafts there is a lot of debate on Radar systems being used. Im aware that senior and enthusiast members of the forum will have enough knowledge about radars, But there are people like me who start searching wikis and the web for radar terminologies and basics...
  13. xkasx

    Jobs in Pakistan Army

    AstanoshKhan Thanks for the detailed answer, but I have already done Engineering. these are all like pre-engineering options.
  14. xkasx

    Jobs in Pakistan Army

    just wondering is there any chances for a BEng Electronics guy in Armed forces ?
  15. xkasx

    Type-99G and Type-96G in the national day parade

    Slightly Off Topic.. I wonder why our Indian members always laugh and call Chinese weapons cheap and useless when in reality they have a defeat to their name against China.. And I'm pretty sure deep down they know China isn't in their reach :p
  16. xkasx

    Should Pakistan Drop J-10 ?

    "Off Topic" After reading the comments in this thread and the way the senior and experienced members replied to a fairly new member , i can only think of my teachers in Pakistan who think them selves as masters even the student is right they might agree that the student is making a good point...
  17. xkasx

    Good News for PN U-214 Deal is being Finalized

    I have a Little Question may be its a "Dumb one" I was searching for U-214 .. On some places it says its an improvement on the German U-212.. But in some places it says its an updated version of U-209 and the U-212 is totally an independent project which doesn't have anything to do with...
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