they will eventually , otherwise they will be dealt with , yes the speech hurt us so much the whole world is sanctioning us lol , if only wishes were horses and words were actions.
nope policy makers dont interfere in day to day operation of military , they make long meticulous plans,
the fact that pakistan couldn't do anything to help kashmiris itself is a proof of the utter failure of your govt and military and nation , they couldnt even get 16 votes in UNHRC against...
sir any source to backup that claim , because there is no MLRS that is being tested or trialled right now , or are you just making this up?
there was no NFU in terms of pakistan it was just a lip service as there is no written document or treaty in regards to this that india signed, what should...
those villages are located 10-15 kilometres away from the testing site , seriously doubt a 150KG round would have that kind of shockwave and intensity to shake them so far away.
how ever i feel it could be a MOAB like device or some ultra heavy PGM that could have been tested.
still that open...
they generally are look at all the missile tests they are done on the east coast in fact most of the testing happens there , also the artillery tests conventional testing wouldn't cause explosions for the many villagers who were 10s of kilometers apart to feel loud explosions so much so that...
the reason for barrel explosion is below par quality of indian shells and not to mention army tests all the foreign weapon system in scorching heat of the deserts till the absolute limit.
this test range is mostly for nuclear tests its quite contaminated with radiation its odd they will conduct artillery test or a landmine test could be a air dropped PGM though
not necessarily refinement is always required for miniaturisation for MIRV, USA and SOVIETS tested more than 20000 nukes combined you think paltry 4-5 test are enough for that level of sophistication?
sir not yet reported by english channels will update once its there
not necessarily...
another media outlet reporting this, its a serious transgression if true
@Zapper @Water Car Engineer @Nilgiri @MilSpec
Indian insider OSINT thread is also reporting this
राजस्थान के पोकरण में मंगलवार शाम को एक के बाद एक आठ धमाकों की आवाज सुनाई दी। धमाके इतने जोरदार थे कि आसपास के गांव थर्रा उठे। लोग डर के मारे अपने घरों से बाहर आ गए। कुछ लोगों का कहना है कि ये धमाके पोकरण फील्ड फायरिंग रेंज में हुए हैं। वहीं, कुछ लोग इसे आकाशीय बिजली गिरना बता रहे हैं। हालांकि...
that's funny coming from a chine considering you guys are usually paired with north korea in rest of the world does the china not officially have a ministry of propaganda?????
its so uncanny chinese think they have any moral authority on commenting about any of the free world when clealry...
oh sure they are coming up no doubt about that and it will be great addition to JF-17 wouldn't you say?
can you name any other non chinese forum where it is praised of course chinese will praise it to high heavens as long as it is CCP and PLA approved.
partial algorithms are enough nobody provides you the exact algorithms after all its our bread and butter we are not even providing the indians the exact algorithms and they will have to extrapolate and develop much of their own too nothing wrong its just business and it relies heavily on the...