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  1. Najam Khan

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    VCheng, you can't just compare both aircraft based on the above mentioned parameters. Look at it at from Financial POV, or operational cost (spares, weapons, cost of fuel, cost of repair) etc. Or simply just take price of 1 AMRAAM and compare with price tag of Chinese weapons you will get your...
  2. Najam Khan

    No J-10B for PAF | A.C Khalid, calls for a focus on 5th generation platform instead.

    There was never a solid plan to induct J-10. Such ambitious plans were targeted (and promoted in publications/media) by an air chief. It was always a backup plan if project JF-17 fails and PAF fails to pace up with India. Procurement of tankers, Block52s and Saab-2000 (6 originally) were all...
  3. Najam Khan

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    There was also a photo flight (air-to-air) for the same formation too. Pattern of the exercise this year would be same as previous, Aggressors vs others.
  4. Najam Khan

    Pakistani & Chinese air forces kick off, Shaheen III (2014) exercise.

    @ topic: PLAAF J-10s arrived in Rafiqui. True. The Americans specifically made such clauses to ensure that we don't get the best out of these machines. May be with passage of time these policies change but by then balance of power in the region would already be disturbed.
  5. Najam Khan

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Enjoy! Shahbaz Falcons – Part 1/2 - PAFwallpapers Blog
  6. Najam Khan

    AWC's IRST Pod

    Not everything needs to be updated. No current need for IRST on JF-17 till PAF achieve 100 aircraft. The purpose is not to lose the basic requirement for this project i.e. replacement of Mirage/F-7s. Such systems are not so difficult to integrate these days, especially when various options and...
  7. Najam Khan

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    Well it was the first time when PAF CAS shared details of any procurement so openly with media i.e Flying hours left on an airframe. This was not meant for thinkers like you on internet to pick a calculator and start falsifying his 'official word' on 'air-worthiness / flight safety status' of...
  8. Najam Khan

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    Just an observation, in the start PAF roundl also had a yellow outline( in outward most cycle) on combat aircraft. This roundl with yellow outline remained from 1947-1950. All aircraft received during this era (such as tempest, fury, halifax) had similar pattern, whereas aircraft procured after...
  9. Najam Khan

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

  10. Najam Khan

    Mirage, F-7PG and other combat aircrafts

    Yes, they (esp Mirage-VEF / -VDD/ -IIIEL variants) are eligible to perform such strike missions. In present scenario or say 2018, they would never be flying solo but rather complimented by F-16s or JF-17s as top cover.
  11. Najam Khan

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    Sir, I respectfully disagree. This is a worthy deal, procurement of non-MLU air frames was already decided. Further, we can go to TAI anytime (with US consent off-course) for MLU; going at current stage when these aircraft have 5-7 air worthy years (ref. to current F-16 flying rate) of service...
  12. Najam Khan

    Mirage, F-7PG and other combat aircrafts

    Retiring old air frame just because they are appearing expensive on paper is so easy task in reality. Leave an aircraft type a side, disbanding a squadron is itself a gigantic task. Planning is required to move its assets (whether its aircraft/weapons/fuel stores/aircraft spares, squadron office...
  13. Najam Khan

    Pakistan utility helicopter.. your opinion..

    A bit off the topic, IMO Pakistani military believes in 'one tool for all trade'. We have C-130 since six decades for medium airlift, F-16s and Mirages for strike and Mi-17s for utility roles. Any chance to migrate from these "set mindsets" is very difficult; convincing the top command on...
  14. Najam Khan

    Pakistan Air Force Transport

    Photo taken at Muzzafarad AJK on 12-Oct 2005. Runway was destroyed by earth quake and the only means of supply was air drops.
  15. Najam Khan

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Means no MLU planned for these ex-RJAF a/c. No.19 Sqn would be 4th F-16 Sqn, hopefully by end of next month. It shall be relocated to Mushaf.
  16. Najam Khan

    Notify PAF Aircraft Crashes

    Cause of crash : Engine failure. Pilot and the other officer (Air Cdre) inflicted minor injuries.
  17. Najam Khan

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    Tell you what, every new weapon system is unproven in real-world until it is put to use. If every military thinks that the new weapon system is 'unproven' then no-country would buy new weapons and prefer the 'proven' systems only. As you know, weapons undergo lot of testing (In vivo In...
  18. Najam Khan

    Pakistan Air Force | News & Discussions.

    I see F-7PGs and ROSE-III Mirages remain as workhorse of PAF even after 2020. A decent strength of at least 2 units of each type or minimum 40 a/c should be maintained. Because there are certain performance attributes in which these aircraft can perform better (or say cheaper/cost-efficient)...
  19. Najam Khan

    China and Pakistan to hold joint Air Force exercises

    Other fighter aircraft pilots need exposure too. Enough has been done for now on the available JF-17 package.
  20. Najam Khan

    Pakistan UAVs News & Discussions

    Mushshak/Mi-17s are only good for watch-over missions in FATA. When your enemy has no proper airdefence + the target sector is in reachable distance. C-130s equipped with similar systems have much endurance and more 'human-strength' involved; complete change in mission planning can be done in...
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