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    Indian Army targets Passenger bus in Kashmir killing 10 civilians

    I thought Kashmir was an integral part of India? They are killing their own civilians?
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    California Considers Leaving US After Trump Win

    going to be as considered as the secession of London after Brexit
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    Pakistan : Asia's new Start up Hot spot

    He said Pakistan will grow at 8% once CPEC is completed...
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    Sorry, folks. Starbucks is not coming to Pakistan

    Probably wouldnt pay taxes there either
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    Top 10 Longest Metro Subway Systems in the World 2016

    Surprised Tokyo is not first
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    Indian aggression at LOC

    Does India not do this like every week
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    Bangladesh will stand by India if Pakistan wages war against India

    Guess Pakistan has to listen to India now the highly relevant Bangladesh has shown its support.
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    EU chief Juncker blames Brexit on '40 years of lies' as he says 'Something is wrong in Britain'

    But it already looks like nothing is going change in terms of immigration
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    Kashmir all-party meet: Modi discusses atrocities in Azad Kashmir, Balochistan

    And rape a few thousand of their women whilst their at it. For combatting terrorism ofc
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    Saudi Arabia has one of the very lowest cancer rates in the world

    Maybe women being banned from driving was right after all
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    More dangerous than Brexit: Italy's economic crisis

    Dont really want to hear this when Im off to there in 2 days lol Overall Italy looks terrible but there is a massive gap between the north and south where the north is one of the richest parts of Europe and south the poorest. From what Ive seen Id say North Italy is in better shape than the...
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    One more Israel

    Imo Armenia is morally right or just as bad as Azerbaijan but the Azeris have oil and are more open. I dont think Pakistan should trust a country which is letting Israel use it as a base to possibly launch attacks into Iran just because Turkey likes it.
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    Pakistan humiliated over terror as it seeks support on Kashmir

    It is the rest of the world that are the hypocrites. The west are guilty of funding the mujahadeen in Afghanistan and pre-ISIS rebels in Libya and Syria but can blame Pakistan for actually holding the training grounds.
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    Bangladesh: Evidence of a mega-earthquake building up

    Now that there is evidence that the plates are moving in opposite directions (against eachother) and that there has been no recent historical release of the pressure it is very likely that a lot of tension has built up. When it is too strong and the plate is released the earthquake will occur.
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    China Pakistan Economic Corridor Projects Compleated in Lahore

    Interesting. Are the buses built locally? I'm guessing theyre imported
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    Bangladesh: Evidence of a mega-earthquake building up

    Researchers have found evidence of a huge earthquake building below Bangladesh, the world's most densely populated country. With so little historical data from the region, geologists can't predict when the quake will occur, but they say it's likely to be between a magnitude 8.2 and 9 when it...
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    Japan's top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country's Muslims

    Every other rich country does this anyways
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    Abdul Sattar Edhi Passes away

    RIP Allah will surely accept you into Jannah. You are the inspiration to millions. Greatest person after our beloved Prophet PBUH
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