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  1. A

    India can outgrow China: Bill Clinton

    Why? I'll say he's doing pretty good for a 5th grader. ;) Growth in absolute terms means absolutely nothing. A more relevant statistic is ratio of Chinese GDP to Indian GDP. That ratio is increasing because Chinese GDP is growing at a faster pace than Indian GDP. Ratio of Indian to...
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    Akbar and other Mughals

    I fully understand validation. Are you aware of any evidence that shows that the Aryan invasion actually occured? Archeological findings, writings or anything else like that? I don't know about the existence of any such evidence, that's why I'm asking. Please understand the skepticism of...
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    Akbar and other Mughals

    Hello Nemesis, with respect, I would like to point out there there will be more similarity between individuals of different race than between one individual and his/her next-door neighbor. There is a book called "The Red Queen: Sex and the Evolution of Human Nature" by Matt Ridley. And there are...
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    India and U.S. nuclear cooperation agreement: is it about energy?

    This part is quite untrue. Several of Indian nuclear reactors have been running at less than 50% capacity due to lack of Uranium. In fact, the holy grail of Indian nuclear research has been the transition to a Thorium based reactor because India has 25% of the world's Thorium reserves. This is...
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    Russia in pursuit of a 6th gen fighter?

    Good call. LM reps said that they had to scale down the acceleration of the F-22's because at the high accelerations that the aircraft is capable, the pilots' health becomes an issue. The pilots sometimes might faint, and other effects are seen that are quite unpleasant for the pilots.
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    Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

    Has nothing to do with security as in DDoS attacks. Absolutely nothing. Did a little bit more digging and here's what I figured out. ATV, ADS, Tejas, Arjun all are pretty complicated designs with multiple processors. Probably numbering thousands in the ATV and ADS. Right now, we rely on imported...
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    Ward off espionage :India to design a home-grown microprocessor

    My thoughts exactly. DDoS attacks are through the network. Hacking is done through the network. If you want to prevent hacking, you need a strong multi-layered firewall. A CPU doesn't have anything to do with it. Few other thoughts, why a 32-bit processor when the advanced ones today are...
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    Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam to fly in IAF's Su-30

    Hey... if Bush Jr. can do it without peeing his pants, so can Kalam. On the other conversation, I never even considered that Kalam might be gay. I always thought of him as sacrificing for the sake of the country. But now that this topic has been brought up, I won't be surprised if he is. In...
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    Fantastic Prediction on Future

    I don't understand the language, so I am not able to figure out what the video says, but I'll say one thing. That chick in the video is HOT!!! In ancient times, hindus believed that the earth is flat, supported by 4 gigantic elephants, which are in turn standing on an enormous turtle. The...
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    Aircraft Carrier Admiral Gorshkov: Delhi wanted a Lada, & now demands a Mercedes

    To get the negotiations to go through with UK, and then build it, would take too long. Add to that what planes would be compatible with the UK AC? Also would they be willing to give us the modern version of it? And the additional facilities required to incorporate the new version of AC and the...
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    Indias Secret Anti-Gravity Tested In Himalayas

    Dude, you're taking a construct in 2D and transforming it into 3D. That is one of the proposed faster than light technologies that MIGHT theoretically be possible but has not been implemented to ascertain its practical purpose yet. For that to be implemented with gravity, you need to get a...
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    Indias Secret Anti-Gravity Tested In Himalayas

    I'll say this is all a pipe dream. And one of the images has a UFO. I mean... come on people. This above paragraph says everything for me. This would violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics which is inviolable. I think people need to get a sense on reality here.
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    Two-Decade LCA Engine Effort [Kaveri] Stalls

    I very much hope that timetable is maintained.
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