Japan mitsubishi corp. Declared that they want to build the nuclear plant in Turkey instead of Russia.
Russia+egypt= epic fail
Turkey + mitsubishi heavy industries = win win situation.
Turkey is working hard for our money. We are not egyptian slaves of Saudis and France. You are now also turning into a russian vasall state.
Egypt is a shithole compared to Turkey.
What is libya after ghaddafi? They are a french colony again. Same shithole like egypt.
You must look up to Turkey not down. Our GDP is three times bigger than yours.
Niye terrörist yerine fighter yaziyon ermeni piçi?! Amacin ne?
O kadar seviyosan daeshi git sende katil. Seni seve seve indiririz. Anlinin ortasindan yersin TSK mermisini.
Senin gibi itler hep terrörizme heveslidir çünkü hayatta bir bok yapamiyorsunuz. Internete bile kaçak elektrik ile...
Kurdish regional government declared that it is their trucks and refinery, not Daesh refinery.
Yes russia has satelite and made good photo of kurdish refinery.
Turkey has full USA and international support in this issue.
Kurds, USA support Erdogan.
Haters gona hate.
Jamahir whore ceylal...
Shut up you dumb fool. I know how to speak with chinese beasts like you.
If Japan declares war on Turkey i would start to worry, but china...HAHA you are a joke!
We are superior to chinese in combat. We prooved that many times in history.
But in slave labor sweatshop work chinese slaves are unbeaten. Your fear makes you good slaves for western powers.
No sane person can accuse Turkey of aggresive behavior when preventing russian warcriminals from bombing civilians through turkish airspace.
In den haag helpers of russkies will be charged as warcriminals.
pkk´li piç seni birdaha o Şerefli Türk bayrağı altında DAESHi övdüğünü görürsem amcık ağzını sikerim senin.
DAESH bizim için aynı pkk gibidir. DAESH terröristleri 2 tane Türk Askerimizi şehit etmiştir!
Allah senin belani versin mikrop false flagger. Bu ortamda gitmişte DAESHi destekleyen bir başlik açmiş. PKKli piç seni! Kimi kandiriyorsun?! Bu ortamda zaten herkes bizi suçluyor. bu PKK piçi gelmiş bizim şerefli bayrağimiz altinda daesh sapiklarini destekleyen mesaj yazmiş.
AMA on...
spot on!
If Hz. Muhammad (pbuh) the Prophet would live today, he would be a good citizen helping his neighbors. Spreading his wisdom to the youth.
He would not walk around searching for reasons to behead People like syrian civil war chit.
DAESH are murderers and they just want to kill People...
DAESH is just a joke man. Never saw something more stupid.
just look at their wannabe flag. It is a shame, faking the insignia of Prophet Hz. Muhammad (pbuh)
DAESH Needs to be cleaned into the toilet sewer.
@Azadkashmir @HttpError
Realy my Pakistani muslim Brothers. I just want to say who will Support us if we don´t Support each other?
China gives you nothing but lies. They empose their stuff on you because of chinese macchiavelianism. not because they are your true allies or Brothers.
bize ne rol düser sence?
Kore savasini hatirla...
Bize rusda dayanmaz, çinlerde dayanmaz, hintlilerde dayanmaz.
Zaman gelsin ölmek istemeyen avrupali basacak bize parayi gidip rus, çin, hintli harcayacagiz.
Bizim meslek bu. Savasci!