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  1. Adıvar

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    TL against RMB. Thanks to Akape for the shame. Artık ortalama bir çinlinin yaşam standardı bizden yüksek. 1 TL=0.9 Rmb
  2. Adıvar

    Çay Bahçesi

    I was asking if it was true that people were ripping out all saplings planted newly.. doesnt matter who started first.
  3. Adıvar

    Çay Bahçesi

    @jaibi Is this true?
  4. Adıvar

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

    Then, Why chosen to live in a kaffir country UK instead of a muslim one such as Afganistan, S. Arabia, Pakistan..? Money is more important to you than Allah's orders? Hypocrisy.
  5. Adıvar

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    In a democratic country where law rules, prosecuters would arrest him and intorregate for this... but because our system worse than Africa states, nothing will happen to anyone.
  6. Adıvar

    Çay Bahçesi

    The first teritorry taken by conquest since Treaty of Karlowitz 1699.
  7. Adıvar

    Çay Bahçesi

    Heykel/anıt dediği de pek fazla bir özelliği olmayan şeyler.
  8. Adıvar

    Developments related to Iraqi Turkmen

    Both Turkey and Iraq are home to the Turkmens.
  9. Adıvar

    Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

    Success without any government support.
  10. Adıvar

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    This is why executive, legislative and judicial powers should be seperate. Everyone knows what is happening behind curtains but there is no brave prosecutor to start investigation.
  11. Adıvar

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    "Arab league condemned Turkey for its operation on the PKK"... AS USUAL Just remembered Turkish saying; iç şarabı, s*k arabı..
  12. Adıvar

    Çay Bahçesi

    Akp karşıtı herkese 7/24 küfretmek için açılmış maaşlı hesaplara trol denir. Bunlar arasında devlet memuru da varsa, ortada ayrıca bir suç var demektir.
  13. Adıvar

    Çay Bahçesi

    Twitter 7340 AKP trol hesabını kapatmış. Melih Gökcek ve ogluna calisan grubu da.
  14. Adıvar

    Çay Bahçesi

    HA HA HA...!! Tarihi dizilerden ibaret sanan güruh zihniyeti.
  15. Adıvar

    Turkish Economy - News & Updates

  16. Adıvar

    Turkish Industry, Science and Technology

    Let us see who will make it first.
  17. Adıvar

    Huge Projects of Türkiye

  18. Adıvar

    Turkey to supply Israel with coronavirus protective equipment – report

    I see no problem with helping a nation such as Jewish that has never in history (unlike Palestinians) fought us Turks and always been our supporters in international area until the stupid move "one minute". Israel, btw, has the legal rights to protect its citizens against Palestinian terrorists...
  19. Adıvar

    Turkish Sensor and Detector Programs

    Anyone know if the mass production of GAN transistors is started?
  20. Adıvar

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Trappers are arrested.
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