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    it is time we apologised to the ethnic Chinese in India

    If this piece of information is true then one should not hesitate to say sorry, But this a sad fact that whenever nations do engage in any sort of confrontation the first casualty are People of origin of that country , so if it had happened at that time then it was mainly due to emotions running...
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    China to help Pakistan launch satellite

    Its a good development for South Asia and scientific community in Pakistan and also good news for Pakistani peoples. They are no less than other human race and they should divert their focus , energy and resources more to the science and education. I dream of Stable and prosperous South Asia...
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    Why the Indian army can’t attack Pakistan

    Suppose if the same article is written about Pakistan Army stating various reasons that it is not ready for war, it would get applaud from Indian viewers and readers but there is one famous saying " Never Under estimate your enemy no matter big or small" . The Actual ground position reveals that...
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    Pakistan goes beyond nuclear deterrence: Indian army chief

    I don't agree with the statement of Mr. Kapoor, Its a sovereign country right to develop and produce as many weapons as they think are required for their defense and deterrence , So it should not worry us , US,Russia has almost 1500 nuclear warhead each, are they ever going to use them? No...
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    Will Pakistan break up?

    I fail to understand why only Pakistan is being targeted for such conspiracy theories, Like any other nation on earth it is passing through some difficult time, and that phase will sooner or later be over and Pakistani nation will emerge winner, So Pakistani people should not get disheartned by...
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    Mosques closed in China's Urumqi

    small clarification:its 10 july 2009 ,The nation
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    Mosques closed in China's Urumqi

    Pakistan all weather friend China banned all muslims in Xinxiang( East Turkestan) capital city Urumqi from offering Friday prayers,As the people of pakistan do feel strongly for All muslims in this world and consider Pakistan as a legitimate leader for Muslims rights across the globe, whether...
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    Indian doctor gives lease of life to Pakistani child

    Here is the reality on ground: on the peak of India Pak War of words , this Couple from Pakistan went to India to het their son operated and now they recount their pleasant experience in India. == Friday, July 03, 2009 By Aroosa Masroor Karachi Six months have passed since Syed...
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    Does India really want to destabilize Pakistan?

    While browsing Pakistani newspaper , i came across about this Article. Its really very bold and frank and seems pro India. == The international relations are always based on the national interest of a country. All the wars are fought for economical reasons. The exceptions are there for super...
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