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  1. I

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Because the current pak gov't's policy, as well as last gov't, is to seek good relations with india. And the current Pak gov't has upped the ante in that regards, as Nawaz not only is focusing on cordial relations with India but also business oriented ones. With that in mind, it's totally...
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    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Don't worry, he's not one of ours.
  3. I

    Do you support Operation Zarb-e-Azb

    Only a crazy terrorist sympathizer would disagree with this operation. In my view, it should have been launched in 2010. Right after Swat and South Waziristan operation. Secondly, I don't get why some of my countrymen are still trying to convince some terrorist lovers about justification of...
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    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    @AmnaR I think instead of getting worked up about your independent info not allowed to be posted, you should at least declare your sources, your own position and your involvement in obtaining such independent and reliable content. In these propaganda times, as a reader I would be very skeptical...
  5. I

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Could any military background members advice as to, in a nutshell, what long term goals the army wants to achieve and how they might plan on achieving those. In the short term, it's obvious the ttp won't put up a heavy resistance. They're gonna run and hide like they always do; survive. PA...
  6. I

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Everyone now sees that ttp was never about implementing shria. That was just a facade to carry out their brutality in pursuit of absolute power in Pakistan. Groups within ttp saw that and distanced themselves from them. Ttp now is nothing more but bunch of robbers, kidnappers, extortionists...
  7. I

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    haha, Nawaz sealed his fate with that national assembly address. No longer will Talibs see him as their Ameer on the other side. Coupled with their threat against Nawaz and all of Punjab, he must be shaking in his boots right now.
  8. I

    Pakistan Taliban warn foreign firms to leave country amid offensive

    Gyahahaha, empty threats, you can just tell they're scared and have nothing up their sleeves except for these empty threats. I just hope if we can catch just one Talib alive it be this shitbag spokesperson of ttp.
  9. I

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    That's what I'm telling you that he did not give the army a go ahead other wise he or any of his chamcha would have come on TV to announce such an order, and get a political mileage out of it. This army is doing this because they have to and this coward is afraid to even tell them no. He's...
  10. I

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    Negative k. The govt is still very much gutless and hasn't shown any spine. Otherwise Nawaz would have made a national address and launched the operation by giving the armed forces an approval and an order on national television. That coward is hiding in his palace while the armed forces...
  11. I

    Terrorists wanted to destroy all planes, report to Prime Minister reveals

    I'm actually very pleasantly surprised at the response of PA and SSGs. A six hour siege only? That's some response time. How did they get notified so fast, how did they get there so fast? And lastly how did the airport security manage to keep them engaged till the army came. That is some...
  12. I

    Terrorists wanted to destroy all planes, report to Prime Minister reveals

    You don't think a plane can be destroyed with rocket launcher? FYI a plane with just a few bullet holes is as good as destroyed.
  13. I

    Important TTP commander killed

    That's a ISI hit.
  14. I

    Suicide bombing on military vehicle in Fatehjang

    Looks like there must have been some inside Intel provided to the taliban.
  15. I

    Altaf Hussain arrested in London over money laundering charges.

    End of the line for the enemies of Pakistan. First TTP and now Altaf. Khuda ki lathi waqahi be-awaz hoti hai.
  16. I

    Terrorists have lost their cause already, are being marginalised: Army Chief

    Once the Americans pull out altogether they really won't have any further "legit" cause left. They're days are very much numbered. They reigned and thrived from 2007-2011. From 2012 onwards they've been steadily weakening. :k:
  17. I

    TTP's monster who played football with human skulls has been 'terminated'.

    TTP propaganda, where's the video if he's alive? And not some old recorded crap. Ttp loves to play these psy ops. Just like how they love to zoom in like crazy on severed human heads to really show ppl their brutality and the last second carnage inflicted on the poor soul. All to scare...
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    Another martyr

    He's an asshole, don't even bother replying to him. Really sorry for your loss and many prayers for the shaheed and his family. God knows how long we we have to keep sacrificing our brave young lads.
  19. I

    PM accepts India's invite to Modi's oath-taking

    Look at the title of this thread! What kind of discussion can one hope to have by clicking on a title like such. An open invitation to trolls to start a name calling flame fest. Is this the kind of topic quality this site encourages? Bunch rowdy, emotional pissed off teenagers jumping up and...
  20. I

    Time for 'talks' is OVER | COAS tells Nawaz Sharif.

    Actually no, I don't agree with you. Time for sending journalists is over, time for talk is over, it's been over. Too much blood has been spilled. The same Generals that you despise have been targeted and killed mercilessly by ttp, too. Countless number of foot soldiers have been brutally...
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