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  1. The Asian Arms Race Guy

    Was the United States just in nuking Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

    It was expedient to nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Either that, or a massive air and amphibious invasion of the Japanese mainland that would prolong the war. ...and the Soviets would've taken their slice of Japan too.
  2. The Asian Arms Race Guy

    Military Helicopters Designs

    Excellent pics of the Chinese Z-10.
  3. The Asian Arms Race Guy

    Kornet-D ( Anti-tank missile carrier )

    The Kornet...arguably the deadliest ATGM in existence.
  4. The Asian Arms Race Guy

    Philippines Defence Forum

    The Army just loves the M113. Can't blame them--it's the ultimate tracked APC.
  5. The Asian Arms Race Guy

    Indian Navy’s Western Fleet Ships Visit United Arab Emirates

    Does anyone here know if India has any serious arms exports to the Middle East?
  6. The Asian Arms Race Guy

    India Rafale deal stalled

    Why can't India just buy more Sukhois?
  7. The Asian Arms Race Guy

    23 must-see photos from a war no one won

    What an incredible selection of images. It's a shame a lot of war-related media today is still very Western-centric. The modern conflicts of South Asia had (and continue to have) implications for billions of people.
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