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  1. Peshwa

    Why Pakistani think Indians as Baniya people ?

    Only an idiot would call a Hyena an inferior predator!!! Hyenas are masterful at their kill and highly intelligent...not bad qualities if you ask me!
  2. Peshwa

    India rejects Organization of Islamic Cooperation's resolution on Jammu and Kashmir

    Hows about Pakistan just give up its claim on Kashmir and we can be friends..I think thats the easier option if friendship truly is that important to you.
  3. Peshwa

    Don't sell helicopters to Pakistan, India tells Russia

    I don't see what the fuss is about... I mean hell, India is purchasing weapons from whoever they wish without giving consideration to the Russian interests... Now the tables turn...why should Russia care for our interests? The point is, national security is top priority...India is doing the...
  4. Peshwa

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    From a hindu perspective, we keep increasing in numbers exponentially year over year, getting richer as a state and people...not to mention keep winning against our enemies... Praying to those monkeys and lingums and all other gods creatures seem to be working like a charm! I think we will...
  5. Peshwa

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    You bow/pray to your own weapon..not that of the enemy! But its funny to go down that line of thinking..LOL!
  6. Peshwa

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    Broheim, since he is so obsessed with rapes in India....let him get a first hand experience of a good ol style indian gang bang...i promise to be gentle! LOL!
  7. Peshwa

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    Haha...what civil war? when was it that i was afraid to go to my own cities airport?
  8. Peshwa

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    We should never forget 1947...he is right buddy, the same way a cancer patient never forgets when the cancer is surgically removed for good... jaan bachi!
  9. Peshwa

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    Well, at least we dont allow every country in the world to sodomize our country on a daily basis....that title goes only to Pakistan! But I do feel sad about the dalit girls...thats not even debatable that its a shameful act...now if only you would look in your own "gheeraban"
  10. Peshwa

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    and not a single indian died that day...i think you've been throwing around the one indian defence attache thing long enough...all the while Pakistani are being slaughtered like a Bakra on eid! Hmm...whats been the Pakistani body count for 2014 @PlanetWarrior ?
  11. Peshwa

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    Cmon now...don't rub too much salt on those wounds...the chap thought their historical humiliation was a thing of the past...not an ongoing romp..i pity them..
  12. Peshwa

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    If by "defeat every invader" you mean getting on all fours in front of them, then you're quite on the mark old chap..
  13. Peshwa

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    Well clearly that road was made easier because some cowardly folks to our west just rolled over and took it like a starfish! quite the "honorable" history...
  14. Peshwa

    Indian Muslims feel insecure under Modi

    Then what does that make your kind? a cum bucket for invaders?
  15. Peshwa

    Indian PM Worships Assault Guns

    @forcetrip intentions are honorable...he is a good fellow.. The act of praying to god before you jump into battle is what counts... God in our case can be anything...if we consider the weapon to be a god (in the sense that it can take life away from someone just like the almighty) or save ones...
  16. Peshwa

    How Bollywood is Failing The Women of India-Forbes

    Kids are individuals, so they need to make their own decisions and life choices....It is the parents responsibility to talk openly with their kids in a bid to impart them the right knowledge so the kids can make these decisions/choices effectively... I do think Indian parents consider sex ed a...
  17. Peshwa

    How Bollywood is Failing The Women of India-Forbes

    I watch game of thrones with my parents and mind you it has some pretty risque scenes... Yes its awkward, but we are also adults...my parents would rather have an honest conversation with me than shove it under a carpet...at least thats how it was growing up.. Maybe parents in India and...
  18. Peshwa

    How Bollywood is Failing The Women of India-Forbes

    Bollywood is in the business of making money... Barring a few films like say Peepli Live etc, most are not tasked with creating social change or bring social issues to the limelight....their main aim is to sell tickets, CD's, online music and such.. Its a private industry and will continue to...
  19. Peshwa

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    And I dont believe that the investigation is completed yet, nor do I think that any direct connection with India can be drawn at this point based purely on the medical supplies mentioned... I would be very interested in knowing, because so far except for your rangers, no one has pointed fingers...
  20. Peshwa

    Karachi Airport Under Terrorist Attack

    That's a major assumption... An army injection is not something so hard to get a hold of.. India provides humanitarian and medical aid in many forms, through UN, directly to Afghanistan, Tajikistan and a ton of other countries.. Medical supplies can also be stolen.. So to pin the blame on India...
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