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  1. Rayz

    Israel decides to build a cafe /Museum of Tolorece on Top of Muslim Cemetary 1400 year old

    The government does the same with ancient jewish cemeteries, often in struggle with Orthodox jews. I do not believe ancient, anonymous graves are relevant. No matter which religion are they of. If there are no relatives to mourn their beloved, graves are a waste of space. People *think* they...
  2. Rayz

    Photo of Palestinian men protecting Israeli policewoman goes viral

    The "love triangle" in the west bank is so complicated that it creates such moments. Basically, the settlers and the arabs hate each other. The security forces (army and police) are stationed to defend the settlers, yet are also targeted by them. The worldwide media usually receives the army vs...
  3. Rayz

    Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

    That of course was not the original goal. The original goal was to keep Iran energetically dependent on other countries so they can keep making money of its back, like they do with many countries worldwide. My opinion is that once the west realized Iran can't be driven away from nuclear energy...
  4. Rayz

    Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

    Always have a room for doubt. But if you don't see Americanization (or westernization) in the next few years, it means the deal's not working (;
  5. Rayz

    Turkey’s Erdoğan to Iran’s Rouhani: Turkey will not remain indifferent to terrorism

    So is Turkey really differing PKK from Peshmerga, even though they're on the same goal? The Israeli media covered this as if Turkey is going all-way in against the Kurds (in general) in order to sabotage the forming of a future Kurd state. But that coverage seemed very weak, I'd like some...
  6. Rayz

    Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

    Could be, I'm not an expert. Other sources claim Israel actually has a lot more. Does it really matter? If a nuke lands on Tehran, and Iran replies with a better nuke, do you think that the average citizen will wake the next day and say "lol their nukes are so weak, they only destroyed half of...
  7. Rayz

    Turkey’s Erdoğan to Iran’s Rouhani: Turkey will not remain indifferent to terrorism

    When it comes to big money, american Jews usually get the hand in, but taking it to conspiracy level is waste. It seems like the west is brewing the next arms deal.
  8. Rayz

    Turkey’s Erdoğan to Iran’s Rouhani: Turkey will not remain indifferent to terrorism

    I don't know much about the issue, but it seems like Turkey is playing some double-sided game, trying to fool everyone. Or perhaps that kind of behavior was imposed by other powers? (EU / US)
  9. Rayz

    Israeli university leaders warn of Iran's educational overtake

    Yes there are, I am myself part Persian, but the two last generations do not speak farsi anymore and absolutely don't know anything about the country. Yes, Israeli engineers are very straightforward and open-minded. A bit lacking in theory in my opinion.
  10. Rayz

    Iran has signed a historic nuclear deal – now it’s Israel’s turn

    You tell me I'm talking non-sense, but in which part have I spoke about the reason Israeli nukes were developed? Geez. We all know the circumstances that led to the creation of Israeli / Iranian nukes, but that's not the topic. The topic is about public admission of nuclear power.
  11. Rayz

    New guy from Israel

    Sure, anything. Just notice hebrew is pretty much an "outdated" language and lacks a lot. In my opinion. I might be part Persian but I'm not familiar with your mentality much, so I hope that would be any useful lol. The true irony is that communicating with people of "enemy states" is so easy...
  12. Rayz

    New guy from Israel

    Thanks. I understand you got many fakers around. תאשר להם שאני יודע עברית חחח If Natan can confirm my hebrew sentence that would be helping I guess (:
  13. Rayz

    Israeli university leaders warn of Iran's educational overtake

    I've seen this news on israeli media, it's important to understand the direction it's coming from. The Israeli universities are not private, and receive their funds from government budget. The new government is recently discussing the division of the new budget, and it seems high education is...
  14. Rayz

    6 Stabbed in Tel Aviv Gay Pride Parade

    You and falcon are not very wrong, Arab attackers receive different sentence than jewish attackers. There's a lot of hypocrisy in here, yet a note must be taken: The police is a body that calculates public reaction. They aren't actually thinking about what's right, but what will make them look...
  15. Rayz

    New guy from Israel

    It's a great video, Israelis can be quite as*holes. Too bad the hebrew parts aren't translated but you can tell that he's trying to convince his friends that he can outsmart the locals. lol. Yes, even though the touristic India is portrayed as a peaceful "we're all one" kind of journey, for...
  16. Rayz

    New guy from Israel

    Sorry mate, lots of replies. No, i'm not a Zionist. But that doesn't actually matter if you look closely. It basically means I don't think the jewish people have some holy mandate over the specific territory called Israel or Palestine. But that doesn't mean I wish them to be expelled, replaced...
  17. Rayz

    New guy from Israel

    I'm not a Jew because I don't buy that "both ethnicity and religion" thing. If the people of Israel want to believe that they're direct inhabitants of the Canaanites that inhabited Israel during the bronze age, so be it. I'm not a part of that (: Also thanks to the Indian friends here, I'm...
  18. Rayz

    New guy from Israel

    Rishikesh is on my list. Gonna be there sometime later, when Himchal becomes unbearable haha..
  19. Rayz

    New guy from Israel

    I am not discouraged but encouraged by that, bro. I do not identify as jewish, I am an atheist. We all come from the same origin, just different masks ;) But that's your two cents, respecting that.
  20. Rayz

    New guy from Israel

    Of course I do. I'm just speaking from bad experience (: Namaste friend, I'm coming to India this month, starting in Himchal.
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