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  1. B

    India might have a thermonuclear Bomb upto 200 Kilo Tonnes !!

    Where exactly did he say that ?
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    Troll Fatwas

    Some thing really needs to be done on the chinese trollers like shchinese etc
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    AHRC alleges Baloch women tortured and used as sex slaves

    Well it is Asian Human Rights Commission ....So i guess... you know
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    AHRC alleges Baloch women tortured and used as sex slaves

    PAKISTAN: Young women held in military torture cells and forced into sexual slavery Ms. Zarina Marri, a 23-year-old schoolteacher from Balochistan province, was arrested in late 2005, and has been held incommunicado in an army torture cell at Karachi, the capital of Sindh province. She has...
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    Four India trucks carrying arms caught: Malik

    Was it trucks carrying Indian arms by any chance ?
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    China Arsenal

    China's H-10 stealth bomber secret flight - can carry nuclear bomb Japan's "Sankei Shimbun" recently published an article mentioned that China developed the strategic nuclear missiles capable of carrying the H-10 stealth bomber has successful test flight. The article said that the research and...
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    Sighted: A Secret US Aircraft in Afghanistan

    This UAV has stealth features....may be these were brought in to strike deep inside Pakistani territory without the pakistani radars detecting it. I am just saying.....
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    Anniversary of Babri Mosque Demolition Today

    There is a temple in Mathura which was broken and made into a mosque. Same can be said about temples in kashi. How may temples belonging 5th century AD or later are present in pakistan or Bangladesh ?
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    US wants India to step up training of Afghan army

    An IMA in Kabul ? Biy if we do that will zaid hamid be pissed or what?
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    Anniversary of Babri Mosque Demolition Today

    I think they are looking at the mosque in mathura.... you sow evil, you get evil
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    India Patronize Hindu terrorism

    Yawn Yawn !!! Th same point is being written and re written and re written and re analyzed over and over again and again..... Move on people....Nothing to see
  12. B

    India flooding arms into Waziristan, Balochistan: Sadiq

    Or may be they do not have any proof except for Zaid Hamid's youtube videos. I really won't be surprised if they gave Zaid Hamid's youtube videos as proof of indian involvement in baloch and afghan
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    India flooding arms into Waziristan, Balochistan: Sadiq

    So let me get this straight....You gave proof to US...and US said no....? Is this what you are saying ? If that is the case then give it to UN.That will rake up a storm.... O wait...to give proof you need to have proof....Which clearly in this case ...You do not have any.
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    Mumbai Attacks

    Man...this Zahaid dude has some serious problems with RAW and MOSSAD and CIA. May be they abducted him and did some experiments on him and left him. Some times Ajmal is Amar and some times he is a Pakistani...Sure...Sure.....
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    Indian Civil Nuclear News & Discussions.

    There is a running joke here in aussie... The capital of Australia is Beijing :D:D:D:D
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    PM may sign ultra-light howitzers deal during US visit

    I think MoD must start out with a clean slate.....and if this time they are caught bribing then black list them. We need those guns!!!!!
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    ULFA admits it is using China as a base

    There we go again... Why do you have to drag Afghanistan into this discussion and that too with nothing being proved.
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    Mauritius Police to buy HAL Dhruv

    That chopper crashed and still did not catch fire, the pilots escaped with minor scrapes and bruises.That it self tells a lot about the quality of the Chopper. It was pilot induced error for certain. Ecuador reinstated the choppers to be flying fit. LiveFist - The Best of Indian Defence...
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    Uighurs seek a passage to India

    Even if a few make it to India, what different would it make to India....? China supports ULFA and Naga freedom Hey at least India has the balls to stand up for Muslims unlike some countries who has disowned Islam and its believers for some spare change and an assembly line of a useless aircraft
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