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  1. R

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    I don't understand the same thing that why do a lot of posters here wish for 8-10 BVR missile loads, unlimited range, super powerful twin engines, >400KM Radar range etc etc .. I would like to share a video of Pierre Sprey, Co-Designer of F16 & A10, who is basically bashing the F35 in the vid...
  2. R

    Pakistan military chief quietly meets with Pentagon brass to smooth relations

    time to get those 18 F16B52 + More MLU Kits + Surplus F16B15 and maybe if USA can chip in with Refurbished AH1 Cobras on Urgent basis then it will be a good start :)
  3. R

    Chinese media briefed on economic corridor projects

    It is pathetic to see a Federal Minister hold Map in his hand to give briefing to Chinese media .. $32 Billion key projects discuss kar raha hey .. salay Rs3000-4000 ka projector he karaye par ley laita ..
  4. R

    Incentives for encouraging consumers to install Hybrid Solar Systems

    It is a good idea but unfortunately our Leaders dont have any interest in Nation building or economic growth. They are more interested in minting the nation as much as they can so that when the next election comes they will be ready to buyout their constituencies once again .. On the Hybrid...
  5. R

    Russia lifts embargo on weapons supplies to Pakistan

    That is the problem with US origin equipment. You must follow their lead or the sactions will cut supply lines. You can name it Politics or what ever; but if you are not on the same page as US then you will have difficulty in getting the max from their equipment. With Russian Mi35/17; Pakistan...
  6. R

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    Probably against Libyan, Iraqi and Afghan target practice. In Pak vs Ind; JF17 with a 2BVR and 2WVR load is perfectly suited for any misadventure from IAF.
  7. R

    End of Pakistani Interest in the T-129?

    T129 is a fantastic machine and would be a great addition in Pak Forces. However I think currently Turkey has just inducted the first nine T-129 helicopters into service in May 2014 and will be trying to induct the remaining 51 units it has on order. I am not sure if they are able to or willing...
  8. R

    $200b stashed abroad: Talks with Swiss authorities will begin in August, says Ahsan

    Unless NS and Zardari bring their own insvestments and cash back home no other party is going to let this happen. You cannot expect others to follow a RULE unless you follow it yourself. If and a big IF NS brings back all his cash and investments back in Pakistan, all others can be made...
  9. R

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    The side view of JF17 resembles more like a Mirage2000 rather than a F16. The fuselage seems to be more spacious than the F16 and I reckon it should be able to pack more gadgets as and when available. In Block3 I would love to see PAF add a F16D type dorsal spine on it creating more room for...
  10. R

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    Gentlemen this single statement changes many things in a Pak vs India scenario. In any escalated war like situation I don't think it will ever come to a Rafale doing bombing runs at will; rather I reckon its going to be the variety of BM and CM ready and targeting all the critical Targets of...
  11. R

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    I am sure it could be said for all the Airforces; if your not prepared then you are at the mercy of your opponent. that is why training aspect is the most important strength. Fortunately for the USAF, they have not encountered anything equal since the great WW2. Even in the Vietnam war, I would...
  12. R

    Dutch Scientists Just Shattered Our Conception Of How Information Will Travel In The Future

    Well a Canadian company D-Wave systems is claiming to have made a first Quantum computer. They have sold few to Lockheed Martin, NASA, Google and other companies already. The price starts from $15 Million a unit and upwards. Since they already have big corporate clients so I'm guessing what they...
  13. R

    Pakistan buys 13 F16 from Jordan

    The aim of USAF is to have air superiority in all imaginable scenarios in any region of the world and that too on short notice. They also have a variety of numerous assets available to them via which they can perform all imaginable missions. With this much of workload it is not only necessary to...
  14. R

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    Great news, If and when it materializes; it will successfully checkmate any Rafale induction by the Indians in the immediate future and will put us in a comfortable position till J31 is inducted.
  15. R

    Iran to Build New Sub for Caspian Fleet by 2015

    With the standoff between Russia/China and the US/Nato; I reckon this is the best time for Iran to take as much advantage of this situation, as possible. I know Russia didn't oblige the S300 purchase in time of need but with the current threat perception (Russia vs West) is not going to be...
  16. R

    Pakistan F-16 Discussions 2

    From the side, JF17 is looks bulkier than F16. Even the nose section seems more spacious .. I reckon, with continuous upgrades, this plane could easily reach 4+ generation status within the next 5-7 years .. inshAllah
  17. R

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    Like I said, there is every likelihood that the Pakistanis put in a lot of R&D for JF17; but THIS very paper is not that example. Because the paper itself says so in the Introduction. Plus the references used in the paper are self explanatory. I dont understand whats the fuss in not accepting...
  18. R

    Explosion occurred near a park in Urumqi

    Could this be a western reaction to the recent China+Russia Gas deal?? Maybe they are trying to destablize western China so they could delay its construction ?? China needs to put a check on western backed NGO's like Russia did in Ukraine ..
  19. R

    JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5]

    All is mentioned in the introduction .. NASA researched it in the 1950's. Pakistanis would definetly have contributed alot, but These papers are on ALREADY developed DSI on JF17; as mentioned in the introduction. For more details see the reference to get an idea of R&D on DSI - (especially 9 and 14)
  20. R

    JF-17 Thunder - Information Pool

    I don't think these papers are a good example of R&D put in by the Pakistanis. These papers got published in 2010 and seem to be a study on already developed DSI system on JF17.
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