His days are very limited if they really stop getting financial support from GCC
Both have big armies a war between the two would be a long lasting bloody war the outcome would be devestating to both sides
but anyhow when it comes to insignificant countries like Romania undoubtly Algerians...
personally if you ask me i am not really afraid to do time in prison but on the other hand i do fear death
You see the main important issue here is not punishment or making people suffer Its about good deterrence to make world more liveable and fair punishment to make the victims family and...
No it's not, first off that's inhumane it can be considered as torture and we dont need that and i suppose no sane person would allow torture while at same time opposing death penalty which is by painless instant death so it make no sense
also now the injured criminal will get medical treatment...
Iraqi kurdistan not really threat but syrian part would create problems..Turkey will be stopped from reaching the countries beyond the border it will be literally hitting the wall
Because it's non of your bussines
I am not, so sorry!.. look for someone else who actually does it you could share your ''drugs'' experiences with that person and vice versa like a theraphy treatment
I am talking about last nights last minute flas reports of özgecan aslan's killer being stabbed in prison it turned out to be false alarm
are you drug addict?
Childmurderers, rapists and other killers should be put to death, killing someone unjustly need to be punished with death for sure
but right now 36 years prison is maximum punishment you can get
victims are death the criminals alive and there is still chance they can be released or escape so...
do you have reading comprehension problems?
there were claims about the suspect being stabbed and getting treated in hospital and then supposed hospital officials denied that story