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  1. black tiger

    The U.S. Army's New 84-Ton Tank Prototype Is Nearly IED-Proof

    This may be good for counter insurgency. But against an opponent armed with modern heavy ATGM this is going to be a sitting duck.
  2. black tiger

    Replacement of Pakistan Army's G-3 Rifles.

    hi, it's just a mg3 on elevated tripod good for use from a fixed firing position like a sandbagged machine gun nest.
  3. black tiger

    Foreign Ministry: 1000 Factories in Aleppo Were Robbed and Transferred to

    I think most propably the owners of the factory are moving them to turkey to continue their business and mr.assad as usual goes about with his fanciful statements
  4. black tiger

    Iran's military unveils two new defense vehicles

    rocket propellers or rocket propelled grenades??
  5. black tiger

    Happy New Year "Rosh Hashanah"

    happy new year to all jewish people, and may G-d bless israel inthis new year and keep his people safe.
  6. black tiger

    Army should be looking for a NEW Sub Machine Gun (SMG)

    hi, as for as i am aware and after searching the net i could find no mention of a assault rifle or smg i 7.62*39 by h&k so checkur source. Thank you
  7. black tiger

    Sri Lanka Economy - News & Updates

    First the govt of srilanka should take steps to redress the genuine concerns of tamilians, until and unless it is done economic growth would just be a dream.
  8. black tiger

    China to supply FC-1/JF-17 fighters to Azerbaijan

    Hi, do you mean f-20 the j-10 variant that PAF is going to get or do you mean the present j-10 switching over to russian rd-93 engines.
  9. black tiger

    Pakistani army: No new offensive for 6-12 months

    Hi, i think it is more of a stratergic ploy as most of TTP controlled areas have been liberated, now what is left is afghan taliban by playing for time, PA is hedging their bets in afghanistan. I think it's a smart short term move. Regards....
  10. black tiger

    How effective is baktar shikan against india's tank?

    Hi, on the otherhand one failed attempt can also embolden the crew and make them go on a rampage, that's why your missiles should be able to do the job everytime. Regards...
  11. black tiger

    Bolt Action sniper rifle vs Semi Auto S-rifle

    Bolt action is very acurate and is good if you are against a lone target, shoot him and be done with. But if you want to engage multiple targets then it's better to have semi auto rifle as the loading movt will give u away and accuracy is not that bad either, that's why many newer variants are...
  12. black tiger

    Infantry Fighting Vehicles of Pakistan

    Buddy they are light vehicles as mentioned in the above post they can be easily blown up by rpg's, so they r not ideal for COIN ops u need something heavier with more armour to survive those rpg hits. Regards....
  13. black tiger

    pakistan will test missile withen 48 hours

    What missile are they going to test??
  14. black tiger

    New Moderator: taimikhan

    Hi, congrats brother.
  15. black tiger

    Gunship Gauntlet

    Hi, isn't it similar to ur super mashak? in that you may try using it with modifications. Regards
  16. black tiger

    Comparision of Insas and G3 Assault Rifle

    What about the newer ak variants like ak107&108 with BARS. How good r they.
  17. black tiger

    Saudi Arab asked for Pakistani help against Jemeni Terrorist

    Dude you better check out royal saudi airgorce before u post, they have f-15's(third largest fleet)and tornado's and have 72 EF typoons on order. They dont lack equipment but motivation and skills might be another story. Regards...
  18. black tiger

    M 107 Sniper Rifle

    Yes you can use normal bullrts in both these sniper rifles. But it results in decreased accuracy so they usually use special ammo.
  19. black tiger

    AK Rifle variants used by Pakistan

    Hi, is there any further info about the AK variant made by pof?, and has it been fielded?? Regards...
  20. black tiger

    Al-Khalid 2

    ^^^^why do u want to raise the height it will only make it a bigger and more tempting target. Regards....
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