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  1. vnomad

    LCA Tejas Falls Short of Earlier Expectations

    Forget about all the hokum about knowledge obtained and research skills gained. First of all the IAF still has the MiG-21, MiG-27 and Jaguar in service and will continue to do so for a while. Even the underpowered Tejas MkI is aerodynamically superior to say nothing of the avionics or RCS...
  2. vnomad

    Indian Agni BM Technology origin

    I just checked it mate. Turns out Wisconsin Project was at the forefront of the effort to bring Iraq's Weapons of Mass Destruction to everyone's notice before AND after the invasion. ^^^ This is from their IRAQ WATCH project. They now have an IRAN WATCH project on.
  3. vnomad

    Indian Agni BM Technology origin

    This is a typical global disarmament/non-proliferation/do-gooder think-tank's article. Though its not very professionally written up. The supercomputer argument is hilarious. Ask anyone familiar with the Indian Institute of Science and he'll laugh at the implication of this clock and dagger...
  4. vnomad

    The Greatest Generals of World

    In modern history three names stand out - Erwin Rommel, Erich von Manstein and Heinz Guderian. The Allies never had any general in the same class. Not Patton, not Eisenhower, not McArthur and not old Montgomery. From history the two greatest that come to mind are - Napoleon and Alexander. Of...
  5. vnomad

    Indigenous Arjun MBT has Only 42% Indigenous Content

    If real world performance is the benchmark, the Arjun outperformed the T-90 in trials earlier this year as I'm sure would have been posted on the forum. That precisely why another 124 were ordered. The production line will now stay busy till the recently sanctioned MkII enters production.
  6. vnomad

    Indigenous Arjun MBT has Only 42% Indigenous Content

    With regard to the imported components of the tank - Arjun Powerpack - MTU(Germany) Transmission - Renk(Germany) TI sights - Thales(France) Tracks - earlier by Diehl, now produced by L&T To put that in perspective- Merkava IV (Israel)- Powerpack - General Dynamics (licensed MTU)...
  7. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Maneuverability yes, but no aircraft with the exception of the F-22 can match the Eurofighter's agility. And it is generally considered to have a lower radar footprint than the Rafale. I can't comment on that without more information. Because the current AESA development in industry funded...
  8. vnomad

    India's provocative military doctrine

    Yeah so.... transparency in military matters isn't a Pakistani Army policy, that's fine but not necessarily better. Without going into them, you've got other problems with your generals. It was a standard PR statement. All western military institutions (like the Pentagon) release such...
  9. vnomad

    India's provocative military doctrine

    You can hardly expect a general to talk about bridging differences and encouraging diplomacy. War planning is his job and any analysis needs to be seen in that context. With regard to the military doctrine, well from Pakistan's perspective a change from the month long mobilizations of the...
  10. vnomad

    India’s Shattered Hope of War

    LOL. Yes as a rule once shouldn't give generals too much air-time. That said, I don't believe Gen. Kapoor has made any provocative statements. Contingency planning is a standard practice in all militaries including the Pakistani one. War with Pakistan and China at the same time is very...
  11. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    Agility, maneuverability, supercruise, low observability etc. It has a flight tested AESA. The EF GmbH is offering an aircraft with the production variant of the CAESAR. Has had a ground attack capability for quite a while now. Had a long debate with Sancho over this... you'll find all links...
  12. vnomad

    Siachen Glacier, Fighting On The Roof Of The World

    The point of the concept behind Mutually Assured Destruction or MAD is that launching a nuclear attack your adversary is akin to nuking yourself. So in effect what you're saying is that unless India 'behaves', you'll nuke yourself while also nuking India in the process.
  13. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    True, but the value of the contract has also been proportionally increasing; started at $6 billion, was estimated at $8 billion in 2007-08 and this financial year about $10.5 billion was officially sanctioned for procurement. The final value of the aircraft(incl. the 74 add. ones) is likely to...
  14. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    I okay I misunderstood that part. But, I personally haven't seen anything remotely resembling that accent in any TV channel either, with the exception of a few regional channels(Haryana, Punjab and J&K).
  15. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    TV channels? Come now.... he sounded absolutely nothing like what news hosts sound like. The typical news channel guy has an excellent command of Hindi and are invariably accentless(from an Indian perspective). Kasab on the other hand had a pretty strong accent. I didn't even know it existed...
  16. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    Mastan Khan, As you say lets forget about atrocities committed and nationalities for a minute and just purely focus on Kasab's accent at the interview. My knowledge of linguistics is far from excellent, but I'm pretty sure that it was a Punjabi accent. Though I can't confirm with certainty...
  17. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    All true, but couple of factors here. 1. While the Russians have been good allies for decades, its unwise to be completely dependent on one external supplier. 2. The Russians have been fingering the MoD on the Gorshkov issue for far too long. Even the Brahmos project faced a lot of issues...
  18. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    The flight trials(which took place in India) for the F-16, F-18, Rafale and MiG-35 are over. The Eurofighter's flight trials will be over by March(probably). A decision is likely to be announced late next year. There isn't much scope for fusion of systems from different countries ala MKI, in...
  19. vnomad

    Mumbai Attacks

    All true. Terrorism has no religion. BTW please don't quote posts which aim to spam or flame. Leave it to the mods. It sort of defeats the purpose of removing the post.
  20. vnomad

    Dassault Rafale, tender | News & Discussions

    ?? I don't believe as per terms of the contract, modification of guided missiles is ever permitted(Brahmos being the exception). Well details of the ToT proposal are only available to the IAF so far. Whether the ToT for the MMIC module, complete array or processor will be released is unknown...
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