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  1. Varun

    India on high alert after US warning of 26/11 re-run by Hafeez Saeed

    Don't know. I feel this Hafiz Saeed guy issues a warning to India every three months or so. Whatever he thinks, I don't feel RAW (or for that matter any other intelligence organizations) will stoop to this low so as to kill innocent children. Intelligence organizations around the world also...
  2. Varun

    JuD’s ideology (Editorial in Daily Times)

    And that 'charity organization' and its leader (Hafiz Saeed) was condemning the killing of Hakimullah Mehsud (then TTP leader) in 2013!! Ohh may be because back then TTP was the "good taliban" ? @Oscar (I have tagged Oscar also as he was pretty confident that RAW is behind TTP. So why JuD...
  3. Varun

    China's Big Plans for Pakistan

    Agreeing with you. Thanks to Sheikh Hasina's leadership. She has sidelined all the religious extremists in Bangladesh and propelled her country on the path of growth.
  4. Varun

    China's Big Plans for Pakistan

    Doesn't make that much sense as the corridor is meant for connecting Chinese navy base in Indian ocean with China. For import export we have direct access to that ocean. But your message made me look the Wagah border on the map and was surprised to find that Lahore is a mere 30 km from Wagah...
  5. Varun

    China's Big Plans for Pakistan

    This is good news for Pakistan. Good news for us also as if more people find job, there are lesser chances of people turning to terrorism. Of course, it is not the 'development' of Pakistan which is top priority for China but the easy access to Indian Ocean. Africa is China's biggest investment...
  6. Varun

    Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

    Let me also add that the day oil is over, will mark the beginning of middle east collapsing into total anarchy (of the kind that is seen in some African countries). I just hope Pakistan is democratically a much stronger country by then (as a well wisher and also as it will buffer us from that...
  7. Varun

    Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

    What can I say in reply? Your analysis and understanding of the situation is definitely better than mine (and I am not saying this in any satirical way!). Irrespective of who fired the first shots, I just pray that the last shot was fired in Peshawar and these mindless killings stop now.
  8. Varun

    Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

    I hope you are wrong (and will be disappointed with RAW if you stand correct about them supporting TTP). Let's just stop this discussion and pay tribute to our little children.
  9. Varun

    Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

    Yeah so now I understand why we nuked each other after that sixer by Miandad!
  10. Varun

    Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

    You can't compare Indian situation with USA because of geographical proximity. They sit halfway across the world and with the best capability of defending terror attacks on their soil. We are just few hundred miles to the west and certainly not that good at defending terror attacks. It will be...
  11. Varun

    Peshawar Massacre - TTP kills hundreds of school kids (Avoid graphic pics/vids)

    I don't understand why India will back TTP. Are not we Indians the "sworn enemies" of all such terrorist organizations? Given a chance between India and Pakistan, who do you thing will TTP side with? If you feel that they need money, you obviously haven't heard about the opium cultivation which...
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