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    IAF An-32 crashes in Arunachal Pradesh

    its after a very long time a transpo plane of indian airforce has cashed ...fighter though crash but transport is a rare thing....last time an an 32 crashed was in 1997 or 1999 not sure it crashed while landing in delhi in 0 visibility...
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    Blast in Pearl Continental Hotel

    here is picturre of the after effect ......god saves the world man this is really bad
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    Militants take 400 hostages

    i hope these poor kids get out alive and safe man...these sick *** taliban should be routed out of this palnet thats the pnly solution for the problem....just think abt the parent of these poor kids they must be going through hell.....may god protect them....
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    27 May Bombing of Lahore Rescue15 Building

    this is such a bad thing to happen i hope who ever is behind this attack is captured and should be delt with weather its indian or from ay otrher country ..any one who targets innocent people is a terrorist....
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