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  1. Aeri-Eye

    Pakistan 'army air strike kills dozens of civilians'

    Firstly, there was absolutely no need for PAF to carry out this strike. Given the amount of the civilans casualties in previous air strikes, and considering the place and high number of civilans residing there; PAF should've resorted to either a small strike or use of other method. But the...
  2. Aeri-Eye

    New sub-machinegun can pierce bullet-proof jackets: DRDO

    More than half of the posts in this thread are 'off-topic'. How hard is it to stick to topic? We need to grow up and behave like 'insaan', not like animals.
  3. Aeri-Eye

    First Squadron of JF-17 Inducted on 18/02/2010

    Great news ! Mubarak ho
  4. Aeri-Eye

    Pervez Musharraf hints at return to politics

    He must not come back. Time ago, like many others, i used to admire him but little did I know that this ar** was a two-face f***er. I have no love for Zardari or Nawaz either. Just because we one criminal running a country doesn't mean we should allow another thug to come back and rule us...
  5. Aeri-Eye

    Musharraf answers to the threat of Surgical strikes by India

    Sorry but we will not give a damn about UN. They can say whatver they want to, even Uncle Sam won't be able to stop should India try the so called "surgical strikes". If that was the case then India would've done "surgical strikes" right after Mumbai. Reality is very different my friend...
  6. Aeri-Eye

    Heroes Of Kargil!

    Saulte to our fallen soldiers! Their sacrifices will never be forgotten. They are the heroes of our nation and deserve each and every bit of respect they get. Pakistan Zindabad. I had a lot to say about Mr Musharraf but i will not bother since the purpose of this thread is to honour our...
  7. Aeri-Eye

    Musharraf answers to the threat of Surgical strikes by India

    Let's make one thing clear here. Incase of a war with India, Pakistan will not give a crap about what world thinks, says or who it supports. India will, no doubt, recieve a lot of support from the world, specially western media. But it will not really be helpful as Pakistan will just listen...
  8. Aeri-Eye

    Ahmedinejad: Iran goes nuclear

    Yeah that is true. We are not each other enemy either. It's just that there are some misunderstanding that needs to be cleared up. We both are Muslims nation and our ties can improve if we sit down and sort things out. Our, their & Turkish government have started the Train route, hopefully...
  9. Aeri-Eye

    Ahmedinejad: Iran goes nuclear

    You hatred for Iran is just so obvious in this post. What makes you think i am Shia? Just bcause i am telling the truth? Why should i should admit to something i am not? I am a Sunni and you don't want to believe me, ine, I don't have to prove it to you. There are good reasons why Iran have...
  10. Aeri-Eye

    Ahmedinejad: Iran goes nuclear

    Haha, i speak the truth and i am a shia? Wow great mentality bruv. Just for you info, i am a Sunni and i love my country more than u could imagine. There is a huge difference between both countries. I was merely telling that guy instead of criticizing other country's government and it's...
  11. Aeri-Eye

    Beautiful pictures of Iran

    WoW! :blink: :blink: Lovely pictures bruv! One day i will definately visit Iran......these pics are just soooo great...:tup:
  12. Aeri-Eye

    Ahmedinejad: Iran goes nuclear

    Luftwafe, I think you should've a look what's happening in Pakistan before lecturing Iran what they should do or shouldn't. In Iran, bombs are not going off everyday, while in Pakistan life is quite different. Standard of life in Iran is far better than in Pakistan. Corruption is also...
  13. Aeri-Eye

    Official: U.S. Military to Set Up New Training Centers Inside Pakistan

    Pak-Yes, yeah bruv you are right. It's just useless arguing with these people. It's a bit like banging your head against a wall. They only agree to disagree :lol:
  14. Aeri-Eye

    yeah that can be said about the yanks......here people are a bit different.

    yeah that can be said about the yanks......here people are a bit different.
  15. Aeri-Eye

    Lol haha, why would they do that? I am a militant? :blink: Kab see?

    Lol haha, why would they do that? I am a militant? :blink: Kab see?
  16. Aeri-Eye

    Enough is Enough Military should takeover this BS govt now!

    This bastard Zardari will not improve. Nawaz is no better than this idiot. Imran Khan won't come in power for another 10 years. Err....who is left? Bilawal? :lol: To hell with this so called "democracy", atleast when military will rule this kind of BS will stop. Kick this beghairat government...
  17. Aeri-Eye

    Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops

    Parashuram1, Just incase you forgot, let me remind what happened in 80s, 90s. US was having affairs with these very same people they are killing now. US was in bed with them in 80s & 90s, read a bit of history. It was CIA who funded and used these groups for their own interest. There is a...
  18. Aeri-Eye

    Yeah i am studing Information Technology in London. Will move to pak after few years InshAllah.

    Yeah i am studing Information Technology in London. Will move to pak after few years InshAllah.
  19. Aeri-Eye

    Official: U.S. Military to Set Up New Training Centers Inside Pakistan

    Thomas, The reason why i called the media bias is because they always report one side of the story. You are failing to get the point. For example. Taliban blow up bomb and kill 10 - 20 people, whole world will report it and rightly so. But when your country or forgein forces bomb a whole...
  20. Aeri-Eye

    Taliban claim militants killed 15 US-led troops

    US & Other western forces are "occupying" Afghanistan. If US can justify killing hundreds of civilians and occupation.....then i see every reason why Talibans should fight against these murderers....... Since when did the whole world started caring about Afghanistan? Go have a look what's...
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