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  1. fadine

    France24: Vietnam's first class education system boasts top-notch students

    Chinese people always steal and consider it their own.
  2. fadine

    ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Banks Consider Dropping US Dollar, Euro and Yen, Indonesia Calls for Phasing Out Visa and Mastercard

    If Asean was a strong organization, it would have cut China's "cow tongue" long ago.
  3. fadine

    ASEAN Finance Ministers and Central Banks Consider Dropping US Dollar, Euro and Yen, Indonesia Calls for Phasing Out Visa and Mastercard

    It's ridiculous to see these idiots constantly bring out the past to tie up the Vietnamese people. In the past, the honor of the Vietnamese people was preserved with blood, Vietnamese people do not have a past as humiliating as the Chinese. Vietnamese people are not "Sick man of Asia". The shame...
  4. fadine

    Vietnam Buys Back $3 Million Relic French Wanted to Auction Off

    “Đại Nam thụ thiên vĩnh mệnh truyền quốc tỷ” (Ngọc tỷ truyền quốc của nước Đại Nam nhận mệnh lâu dài từ Trời) - The national seal of Great Viet received a long-term destiny from Heaven. The animal on the seal is a 5 clawed dragon, the emperor's dragon. Don't listen to those idiots distort.
  5. fadine

    Việt Nam gives top priority to developing ties with China: PM

    Chinese guys always distort everything.
  6. fadine

    China Could Shut Down the U.S. Military Without Firing a Shot

    F.k you. From Vietnam :sniper:
  7. fadine

    Sea Games 2022 Hanoi, Vietnam

    Thanks for your attention. My English has also improved a bit, I can read books quite comfortably. Communication is probably not confident enough. I am learning other knowledge, for my job, so everything improve step by step, a bit more.
  8. fadine

    Vietnamese girl help Chinese families to honor the Chinese war dead in US-Vietnamese War

    Ha ha, "1700 planes shot down", according to a source provided by the Chinese side, right? :D Chinese soldiers were in Vietnam just to build roads, and when they saw American planes, they jumped into the tunnels. The dogs yawns on the flies, they will get a few dozen.
  9. fadine

    Vietnam buys 80 pct of Cambodia’s agriculture exports

    Chinese guys are bullshit, self-masturbation is not enough, masturbate for Cambodia.
  10. fadine

    I can answer questions about China and help you understand our country

    Don't lie anymore. As long as China fully returns the two archipelagos of Paracel and Spratly, which China is illegally occupying, to Vietnam, and stops the annual violations of Vietnam's sea lanes, anti-China sentiment will disappear. The blood of the Vietnamese in those two archipelagos hasn't...
  11. fadine

    China donates 500,000 Sinopharm vaccine to Vietnam

    The Chinese consulate has just ordered the recall of 500,000 doses of the vaccine and aid to Vietnam on the grounds that it did not give the Chinese citizens the first injection, although Vietnam's distribution plan only covers including the northern border provinces - where there are Chinese...
  12. fadine

    Japan to donate another 1 million doses of vaccine to Vietnam

    In another development, the Chinese consulate has just ordered the recall of 500,000 doses of the vaccine and aid to Vietnam on the grounds that it did not give the Chinese citizens the first injection, although Vietnam's distribution plan only covers including the northern border provinces -...
  13. fadine

    China donates 500,000 Sinopharm vaccine to Vietnam

    I do not care. In Vietnam, there are 150,000 Chinese people with valid working papers and about 80,000 people circumventing the law to stay and work in Vietnam. These doses of vaccine will only be administered to the Chinese. There are very few Vietnamese people who want to get the Chinese...
  14. fadine

    China donates 500,000 Sinopharm vaccine to Vietnam

    前两天中国捐赠了一批越南疫苗,施打顺序是: 1.在越南中国人。 2.要去中国的越南人。 3.中越边境民众。 ==== China "donated" a batch of Vietnamese vaccines. The order of delivery is: 1. Chinese in Vietnam. 2. Vietnamese who are going to China. 3. People on the border between China and Vietnam.
  15. fadine

    A Small Brazilian Town Is Beating Covid-19 Through a Unique Experiment(with Sinovac’s Covid-19 vaccine)

    Today, May 9, another Thai was close to death after Sinovac second injection - she had a brain hemorrhage. It seems that this vaccine is not suitable for Southeast Asian people. s: https://www.dailynews.co.th/regional/842369
  16. fadine

    A Small Brazilian Town Is Beating Covid-19 Through a Unique Experiment(with Sinovac’s Covid-19 vaccine)

    No. Eight Thai people died directly from the Sinovac vaccine.
  17. fadine

    Vietnam eyes 600 billion USD in export turnover in 2021

    The record import-export turnover of over 600 billion USD. It's VNNs fault.
  18. fadine

    Vietnamese girls tease Chinese construction workers at Chinese Vietnamese border river

    She is a real H'mong in Vietnam, but it is true that she she tries to get likes on the video to make money, unfortunately - she chooses to serve Chinese on a platform that the Chinese cannot access. She tried quite a bit but the number of subscribers seemed to be small.
  19. fadine

    America, Please Don’t Forget the Victims of Agent Orange

    Great, hope the Chinese people unanimously support the Chinese government to return some grains of sand to the Vietnamese soon. For Vietnamese people, bringing out their own blood to protect the grains of sand in the territory of the country is the best act of remembrance of the blood and bones...
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