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  1. J

    Now it's your turn, Army tells MPs

    The Army can work a deal with the US Government on the funding for reconstruction. They can use the PRC format currently used in Afghanistan; with one key difference. The funding disbursement should not be done by USDoD appointed Contractors, but by PA.
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    Now it's your turn, Army tells MPs

    Army enthusiastically began the operations on prodding by the CENTCOM Generals and US politicians. There was never a debate in the National Assembly or Senate. Musharraf or Zardari never took the Parliament into confidence on the rationale or justification of the operations. The operations were...
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    Suicide attack in Mohmand

    The Kashmiris are waging a noble struggle for their instituted right of self determination; they cannot be termed as Terrorists by any stretch of imagination. The Magas, Mizos and ULFA are waging a noble struggle against the Indian State Terrorism to build their lives. Back in 1967 Charu...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    GUNNER / Taimikhan: I have traveled from Miran Shah to Wana via Razamak. Continued on to Zhob via Tanai. There is a road going from Tanai to Jandola (which you probably refer to as Wana-Tank 8-Lane Expressway. FWO does a pretty good job of Raod building. Their continuous work on KKH is...
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    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    "" Public expectation from the military to deliver more and on fast track is growing. However, to meet these expectations there is a need for huge money – around one billion US dollars – to rebuild Swat."" One billion dollars ... Thats the key! This is America's war; Swat / FATA...
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    IMF report: Pakistan incurs Rs 2.08 trillion loss due to war on terror

    Loss of Rs 2.08 Trillion ... thats peanuts ........ we are very generous nation. We are the ABDULLA DEEWANAS in BEGANI SHAADI.
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    Relatives question Pakistan army on militant killings

    Militants or Taliban are not waging any kind of Jihad in Pakistan. They are not a positive force at all. They are fueled by reaction to the atrocious, ill conceived and thoughtless operations in FATA. The FATA people are aware that these operations have been launched under American pressure and...
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    Nawaz Sharif, (negotiate with the Pakistani Taliban )

    Solomon2 Nawaz Sharif does not seem to be willing to toe the line like the toy boys Zardari and Rehman Malik; he could be in for surprises. Army too is hounding Nawaz Sharif, pushing him to accede to US demands for operations in Punjab. Since Army has no internal corrective mechanism to...
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    King Air 350 ISR will be used for 8-hour surveillance missions over Pakistani territory, flown by a "Joint" crew .. to pass on live feed and coordinates to enable Predator strikes. The aim being to cut down the detection - to- shooter time. This will be a unique example in the world that the...
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    Relatives question Pakistan army on militant killings

    Militants are created everyday, fresh out of the oven. The bakery is the Army Operations on your own soil against your own citizens.
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    Al-Qaeda's new man eyes Pakistan

    Bombing plot ... New York subway ... Pakistani connection ....... are'nt we bored of this BS yet?!! Every few months the US Intel agencies along with their British - Pakistani cohorts "discover" new plots; the sole purpose being to justify funding their massive bureaucracies; and to justify...
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    Relatives question Pakistan army on militant killings

    Custodial killings and atrocities are the norm in Swat and Dir. These 23 are added to the estimated 400 corpses discovered. I personally know a 74 years old man from Bajaur who was killed while in custody 2 months after arrest. His Janaza was attended by about 50,000 people. Decline and...
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    Operation Rah-e-Rast (Swat)

    I hope Swat is really open to Tourism; and the 6 check points between Mingora and charbagh are gone.
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    The Battle for Orakzai & Khyber Agencies

    Wish our beloved Army had shown the same fighting spirit and enthusiasm in the battles for Chamb and Akhnur; and later in Kargil. "Battle for Orakzai" is being wrongly elevated to the revered status of Battles for Chawinda, Khem Karan, and Rajhistan of yester years. These are not "battles"...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    ""Army working towards development of S Waziristan"" This is such a cruel joke. Gomal Zam, Tank-Wana Road are old projects being carried out since the time of Z A Bhutto. Army is working for the US for peanuts, is not able to charge the right price, and thus incapable of doing any meaningful...
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    Punjab govt’s inaction against militants irks GHQ

    This is pathetic that our National asset Pakistan Army is now hounding the docile Punjab Government to strike a "package deal" with the US and wholeheartedly and enthusiastically follow the likes of Zardari and Rehman Malik. Rather than defending the territorial integrity of the nation, PA is...
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    US Drone strikes in Pakistan are illegal under international law.

    US Drone strikes are basically targeted assassinations; their legality has even been questioned at the UN forums. They have provided a perverted moral justification to Taliban to carry out their destructive activities; there is little difference between sudden death through drones or through...
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    Afghan Taliban capture Pakistani soldiers in cross border attack

    AgNoStIc MuSliM ""Because 'reconciliation', which would involve the Taliban participating in the political system and giving up their violent struggle, would be the fastest way towards ending the insurgency in Afghanistan, speeding up the withdrawal of NATO, and therefore also affecting the...
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    Operation Rah-e-Nijat (South Waziristan)

    ""In an interview with BBC Urdu today, Punjab Governor Salman Taseer stated that the Punjabi Taliban are a reality within the province but the government of Punjab is not yet ready to acknowledge their presence. During the interview Taseer also responded to a question about his active role when...
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    Afghan Taliban capture Pakistani soldiers in cross border attack

    khalidali ""This is exactly why the stupid ISAF forces need to be at the border rather then sitting some where else in safety. Where on one side we have maned our side, on the other side these fags dont want to stand up and take responsibility. "" Others do not perform their US assigned duties...
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