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  1. Mick in England

    Reverence of Christianity and Jesus in Islam (Threads merged)

    Yes I've been wondering what I'm doing here myself :) Muslims have rejected Jesus as the Son of God and it's none of my business, there's nothing more for me to say on this board, bye everybody :)
  2. Mick in England

    Straw's veil comments spark anger

    Ah, so different translations and interpretations of the Koran contradict each other.. ;)
  3. Mick in England

    Straw's veil comments spark anger

    Are you saying this Koran verse is propaganda and lies? - [4.34] "Men are the maintainers of women because Allah has made some of them to excel others and because they spend out of their property; the good women are therefore obedient, guarding the unseen as Allah has guarded; and (as to) those...
  4. Mick in England

    Sunnis versus Shi'ites

    But the insurgents are regularly planting bombs in Iraq, so why should the Brits want to do it too?
  5. Mick in England

    Reverence of Christianity and Jesus in Islam (Threads merged)

    1 - Any book - whether its the Bible or the Koran - may lose something when translated into English because some words Arabic or Greek have no direct English equivalent.. 2 - Gays/ lesbians are in danger of hell, the Bible says so. Wriggling clergy aren't important and can be ignored.. 3 -...
  6. Mick in England

    Sunnis versus Shi'ites

    As with all conspiracy theories, nobody seems to think them through.. I ask again, why should Brit soldiers want to plant bombs in Iraq?
  7. Mick in England

    Phobias against Muslims and Islam are a reality

    Never heard of it mate, I go my own way.. Anyway what's it got to do with me saying God is going to punish the Jews? In ancient times they were his beloved Chosen People, but not any more since they rejected his son. God will therefore allow the destruction of Israel to make them an example...
  8. Mick in England

    Phobias against Muslims and Islam are a reality

    Muslims say he wasn't the Son of God, surely that's rejecting him? After all he said he was, and so did God.. As for the Trinity, what about it, it simply means God and Jesus are like two halves of an oyster sharing the same guts - the holy spirit ;)
  9. Mick in England

    Reverence of Christianity and Jesus in Islam (Threads merged)

    But why would he want to lie?? He was a well-educated rich man from a prominent family, so why would he risk losing all that by becoming a Christian and suffering persecution from the Romans and the snooty Jewish priests? We know he was a friend of Jesus's righthand man Peter and wrote down all...
  10. Mick in England

    Running with the ball

    Sure, there are some pervert priests and monks around in all religions including Islam, and their churches try cover up for them, but the truth comes out :) Jesus said:- " if anyone causes one of these little ones who believe in me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a large...
  11. Mick in England

    Straw's veil comments spark anger

    The west isn't sure whether muslim women want to wear it, or whether they're ordered to. The Koran permits men to beat up women if they suspect them of planning to desert them, so the west feels sorry for muslim women..
  12. Mick in England

    Sunnis versus Shi'ites

    Ha ha ha that's just another conspiracy theory :) Why on earth would the British want to plant bombs in Iraq?? The guys were probably just bomb disposal experts, that's why their car was full of equipment.. Remember, the Brit media loves a good story and always print scandals like the...
  13. Mick in England

    Sunnis versus Shi'ites

    True Christians don't want to kill anybody.. But sometimes as a last resort we have to defend ourselves because we're not strong enough to turn the other cheek.. For example Hitler bombed my mother in 1940 but she survived. He bombed lots of other Brit cities too, so we had to do D-Day to stop...
  14. Mick in England

    Sunnis versus Shi'ites

    Why do the Sunnis and the Shi'ites in Iraq kill each other? I thought all Muslims were brothers and sisters?
  15. Mick in England

    Phobias against Muslims and Islam are a reality

    The fact remains, Muslims reject Jesus who spoke of love and peace and honour, and that makes them look bad. PS -The Jews also reject him and God will punish them but that's another story. Are there any Jews in this forum who want to speak?
  16. Mick in England

    Running with the ball

    There's not the slightest hint anywhere in the Bible that Jesus was married, it's just nonchristian propaganda :) Even today many monks of various religions never get married because they don't want a family, I never married myself for the same reason, we holy men don't do family, so why...
  17. Mick in England

    Reverence of Christianity and Jesus in Islam (Threads merged)

    I'm not sure what points you're trying to raise mate.. Paul was an okay guy in my book, he got serious hassle for going round spreading the gospel and never asked a penny for it - 2 Cor 11 - "I have worked much harder, been in prison more frequently, been flogged more severely, and been...
  18. Mick in England

    Reverence of Christianity and Jesus in Islam (Threads merged)

    And again we therefore have to doubt the accuracy of the Koran writers ;)
  19. Mick in England

    Greater than I..

    Mary herself says in the Koran and the Bible "no man has touched me". Therefore the birth of Jesus was a miracle because God can do anything :)
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