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    Indian Economy-News & Updates

    EU trade chief says aiming for India FTA by October
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    Mumbai attacks – Facts that cannot be denied

    The title of the topic should be Farts that cannot be denied - what a bunch of crap
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    Russia announces plans to buy four French warships from France

    Dealing with North Korea? WTF
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    Indian women peacekeepers hailed in Liberia

    Guys great effort from our women folk - The lesser illiteracy rate is definitely due to the age old practise of Man earning the bread and women doing the house hold duties... But that has changed considerably....Waiting for the 2011 statistics :)
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    Saudi Arabia - India Agreement

    What happened to his plans of listening to Radio Pakistan in New Delhi? Any progress?
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    Nagaland Separatist Movement

    telugana or rather Telangana - come on dude - The modern history of Telangana starts with the fight against the Nizams to join the Indian government...Get your facts straight Telangana has nothing to do with the other so called separatist movement....It is a fight for self respect and...
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    In India, France to pursue major arms contracts

    WHy post the french part - A link would have sufficed - Anyways Nice goin India :D
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    Planned Indian Misadventure - Danger of Nuke War ? by Zaheerul Hassan

    Radiated water nice one bro - Add to it they can listen to Radio Pakistan from Delhi while they have a slow and painful death :hitwall::hitwall:
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    Is it time to recognize Israel

    Wow and you live in Australia...Phew.... How can one decide the character of an individual based on his religion or any other factor??? The last time I heard such people are called as RACISTS - Maybe some of those Australians(mind you not all - Australia and Australians are very good - had...
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    US HAARP strikes causing Earthquakes: China, Haiti and now Chile, who's next?

    They would have first used it against Iran - come on guys wakeup
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    Secularism vs Islamism (in Pakistan)

    That's an eye opener - Many misplaced souls will have a better picture now.
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    Zaid Hamid in Islamabad: Wake up Pakistan

    I seriously hope Pakistanis sleep happily when this guy is around and wake up when he sleeps - Wastage of time for sure
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    EADS Eurofighter in the MRCA competition Thread

    Why dont people realise that modern weapons doesnt imply more chances of winning a war - Rather more chances of NO WAR
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    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    Haq is the laughing stock of every discussion - And yet he does cherry picking against India - I still dont get how the economics of a country work without borrowing money ( I mean debt) - Even the richest of the countries have a factor called as debt
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    India to Borrow and Spend More in 2010-2011

    Haha and you guys should read the local newspapers in India - Most of them have asked for a 30% increase in defense budget this year and many wrote that they were disappointed with the budget especially the spending on defense sector
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    Taliban is the Future

    Taliban is moral - WTF
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    Mere four per cent hike in defence budget

    That should satisy my Pakistan friends here
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    Indo-Pak talks - the aftermath

    Diplomats are staunch only inside the close doors - in front of the media they should be modest... Bashir knew the tals would be a failure -he should have restrained himself from serious India bashing(doesnt mean what he speaks is right) in front of the media - It will only create a negative...
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    Indo-Pak talks - the aftermath

    Bashir is a terrible Diplomat as far as I can see it.... He looked very desperate in front of the media....
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