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  1. C

    Chinese comments on "Pakistan review" the fighter escort

    The original: The following is the Pakistan review Zaida P How come friend China’s new premier visits India first before coming to Pakistan? Strange. Has something changed? bash gul couldnt the visit be postponed till the new elected government took over. From the experiece of living in...
  2. C

    China netizens to Pakistan in Pakistan Chinese boundary unguarded comments

    这就是信任,和平的信任 This is the trust, and peaceful trust 应该转移部分产业到巴基斯坦!支持巴弟发展!不过,巴弟真的应该好好整顿一下国内治安和协商各个部族间的纠纷!那么,中国的投资会更快拉动巴弟的发展! Should transfer part of the industry to Pakistan! Support the development of Pakistan! However, Pakistan should really in good order and domestic security and negotiation of...
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