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  1. As is - where is

    Balkan Migration Route No Longer Exists

    Isn't it also the unfreezing/reopening of some Turkey-EU chapters?
  2. As is - where is

    Solar plant

    In Greece the cost of production of electricity from brown coal is 4 eurocents/kWh. Brown coal provides for about 50% of Greece's electricity.
  3. As is - where is

    The Pakistan Navy's Frigate Options

    The frigates that Pakistan wants to decommission are 45 years old. By 2020~ they will be 50 years old. The British by early 2020s will start retiring their Type-23 frigates. The majority of those are 25 years old now, so by then they will be 30 years old. I think that if Pakistan manages to...
  4. As is - where is

    Terror attack on military service bus in central Ankara leaves 28 dead, 61 wounded

    You both have to read that article again! "Lawyers representing Ocalan say a lawsuit against the Greek government over his capture in 1999 is due to be heard in an Athens court on Monday. Ocalan, 67, was arrested in Nairobi, Kenya, after a brief stay at a Greek Embassy facility and flown back...
  5. As is - where is

    Terror attack on military service bus in central Ankara leaves 28 dead, 61 wounded

    Greece condemns ‘heinous attack’ in Ankara Greece has issued its condolences to Turkey in the wake of the terrorist attack that killed 28 people in Ankara on Wednesday night. On Thursday President Prokopis Pavlopoulos conveyed his sympathy and condemnation to his Turkish counterpart Recep...
  6. As is - where is

    Germany - Calls mount for G36 assault rifle replacement

    I live in an island near Athens.
  7. As is - where is

    Germany - Calls mount for G36 assault rifle replacement

    I supported the YES side. The NO side won and we will pay this dearly in the coming weeks. Our incompetent politicians went to the Eurogroup and the Euro summit yesterday without having a single written proposal... The ECB raised the haircuts on the collateral held by Greek banks. We have to...
  8. As is - where is

    Germany - Calls mount for G36 assault rifle replacement

    I would honestly wait until I saw the final results of these reports. Greece doesn't have the money to phase out its current G3 service rifles to introduce the G36 or any other modern rifle anyway.
  9. As is - where is

    Greeks defy Europe with overwhelming referendum 'No'

    The liquidity in Greek banks fell from 1 billion euros on Friday night to 0.8 billion euros this morning. I doubt that whatever decision the ECB takes today will be good for Greece. Even if they decide to take little or no action (that's the most likely scenario) the Greek banking system will be...
  10. As is - where is

    Greece Set To Default On €1.5bn Repayment

    I think that I should mention this as well because I want to be clear on this matter. When the banks face bankruptcy, there's also the option of a bail-in. It's possible that we could have both a bail-in and a return to national currency. I'm saying those things now because if NO wins and they...
  11. As is - where is

    Greece Set To Default On €1.5bn Repayment

    Never having entered the Eurozone in the first place (UK) and exiting the Eurozone (Greece?) are two seperate things. It's not possible legally to exit the Eurozone without having exited the EU first. You have to invoke article 50 of the Lisbon treaty to exit the EU, that's the only way. This is...
  12. As is - where is

    Greece Set To Default On €1.5bn Repayment

    Greece asked for an extension of the current bailout program but all its requests were turned down. Then it asked for a new program but that request got turned down as well. We didn't have the money to pay the IMF and as thus we didn't pay it. In the short-term that means that the IMF can't lend...
  13. As is - where is

    Greece Set To Default On €1.5bn Repayment

    Well I do think that the YES camp will win and that we'll reach a deal. It'll be painful and will require major sacrifice but when has progress not demanded sacrifices? I'm hopeful that we will. We must approve and move forward an ambitious program privatization. We must gather 1.5 billion...
  14. As is - where is

    Greece Set To Default On €1.5bn Repayment

    Well the fiscal target for 2015 is set at 1% of GDP for the primary surplus. With our current budget we'll probably have a primary deficit. For 2016 the target is 2%. It's certain that there must be some serious change of course from this year's budget. It's certain that fiscal measures will...
  15. As is - where is

    Greece Set To Default On €1.5bn Repayment

    In the case of a YES vote it's probably around 20%. In the case of a NO vote it's more than 85%. Tsipras said yesterday that if Greeks decide to accept the bailout terms, he will resign. Then we will most likely have a Unity Government of centrist parties either from within the current...
  16. As is - where is

    Hungary orders 100-mile Serbia border fence to keep out migrants

    Hungary comes dead last at this. Greece has already constructed a fence along its border with Turkey since 2012. It cut illegal immigration from the land border by something like 90%... Last year Bulgaria also built a wall. It cut illegal immigration by 85% in the wider area that the wall was...
  17. As is - where is

    Insults Fly in the Greek and German Media

    "We don't put safety under negotiation" P. Kammenos: We never discussed cuts in defense spending "We never discussed it", was the answer of the National Defense minister Panos Kammenos in a reporter's question about the demands of the institutions for further cuts on defense spending. "We...
  18. As is - where is

    If Grexit happens would Greece be allowed to side with Russia/China?

    I think a compromise could be made for sure. Even though innocent passage exists in theory as we speak I doubt either Turkey or Greece is eager to let each others' military ships in their territorial waters. On the other hand they both welcome US or Italian (for example) military ships near...
  19. As is - where is

    If Grexit happens would Greece be allowed to side with Russia/China?

    Well Greece pretty much stopped buying new equipment in recent years and lowered greatly the wages of soldiers and officers. Thats were most savings from the military came from. The truth is that cuts in general are needed, it's just that the military is not the first place you'll look for to...
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