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    Chinese patrol boats entered Indian waters before V-P's Beijing visit

    WHY NOT? This land was ceded by Pakistan during a war conflict with India. It was done on purpose to provoke conflict and get China into the foray.
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    India strongly reacts to reported Chinese claim on Arunachal

    Yes right. You think you know it all. Why wont you take a look at history. There are numerous instances where high volume trade did not deter aggressors from attacking. It's all about objectives. You ever think they were also very weak in the 80's? According to classified sources that I...
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    India strongly reacts to reported Chinese claim on Arunachal

    This is why I get so upset with some of you INDIAN idiots on this forum. When CHina does some small action .....you all jump and start singing brotherhood and all this other BS. Now, you see another side...and where are you f-kers now? Realize who your enemeies are. Talk is cheap. Judge a...
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    If Nepalese get visa free entry to India then why not Bangladeshis?

    Honestly I dont care what your type think or feel anymore. When your allowed Jehadi terror groups to flourish there and used it against India, you lost all sympathy. You made your choice and now you got to stick with your decision. Dont worry we will figure out the ONLY WAY to deal with...
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    If Nepalese get visa free entry to India then why not Bangladeshis?

    Bangladesh poses many security issues. Sorry we cant take that risk. Clean up your land first, stop relations with Pakistan and China and then, maybe then we will consider it. Till then.......it aint happening PERIOD
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    India And Russia Are Trying To Build A Next-Generation Fighter Jet Together, And It's Not Going Well

    What is the significance of the picture and the date 12th April 2012??
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    If Nepalese get visa free entry to India then why not Bangladeshis?

    Because Nepal never harmed Indian ppl or interests. Bangladesh has. Keep it simple
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    India And Russia Are Trying To Build A Next-Generation Fighter Jet Together, And It's Not Going Well

    FGFA is already deisgned and built by Russia. All we are doing is going to redesign it into a 2 seater. The radar sig from the plane cannot compete with Chinese and American planes. Plz stop fooling yourself because whoever you are making us look stupid. This deal with Russia was rushed. I...
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    Possession of hydrogen bombs ‘essential’ for India - Russian analysts

    Ther are treaties for space but I dont know if India is a signatory. Perhaps denotating on the Moon to avoid sanctions. Underwater is an issue due to treaties....but I am not sure.
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    China Prepared to Settle India Border Dispute, Wang Says

    Aksai Chin is not related to this.
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    ISIS has designs on India: Experts

    The aim of the ghazis (Muslim conquerors) has never been to convert anyone to Islam by force. In fact, through the Umayyad period, less than 1 percent of the population under the caliphate were Muslims. Jews and Christians could keep their faith by paying a poll tax (jiziyah). The Ottomans even...
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    Don't waste money on buying the Rafale. Boost Sukhoi-30MKI availability, and fast track the Tejas

    I dont think so. This is not a regular assignment where you have a plan of action that lead to a proven result. This is all theoretical and hypothetical, the more capable, intelligent and creative ppl involved led under careful direction can lead to substantial results. I think the culture...
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    Govt mulls Rs 1-lakh-cr road financing corp

    There should be more planning done. I know I hate it but fast track it then. The issue is that pipes for fiber optics, electrical and sewage ussually run near or under the roads. Is there any comprehensive study being done to study these parameters? Or are we going to do everything half ***...
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    Possession of hydrogen bombs ‘essential’ for India - Russian analysts

    There should be a Pokhran 3 but not in Rajasthan. Instead, we should denotate in space or underwater
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    Don't waste money on buying the Rafale. Boost Sukhoi-30MKI availability, and fast track the Tejas

    You can always devote more resources to a project. Results vary but unless we try, we wont know.
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    Don't waste money on buying the Rafale. Boost Sukhoi-30MKI availability, and fast track the Tejas

    Well, that;s our fault. We voted a BS govt into power numerous times over and over again. So what does that make us? Buying these new toys is unsustainable. Gripen was the best bang for the buck deal. We would have been able to incorporate much tech into the domestic industry. Rafael is just a...
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    M-777 ultra-light howitzers too Expensive, India might drop plans to buy

    Wrong. Opening up to the US is the best thing that happened to India. It forced Russia to re look at India again. Before our relationship was BS. China was being armed with better weapons than India, who then supplied Pakistan. We were able to get access to Nuclear energy, got rid of sanctions...
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    Don't waste money on buying the Rafale. Boost Sukhoi-30MKI availability, and fast track the Tejas

    Stop wasting money.....put it into fast tracking AMCA and Tejas....
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    Can the Sukhoi Su-30 have the edge over U.S. fighters in aerial combat?

    Doubt it. Maybe certain planes but even then Im sure with the amount of training hours the US pilots get, its a no brainer they learned a lot from us and will adapt quickly.
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