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  1. L

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    if thats true that makes it high treason, and they should be put to death
  2. L

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    they really do need some fighters dont think the US will send the F16 anymore, at least not with this crisis.
  3. L

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    from what ive read they lost a few, i really hope the iraqi government is working hard to replace them ASAP, they have a very small AF with no fighters so they going to need every heli they can get.
  4. L

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    how am i spewing misinformation, maybe you need a reality check , Mosul and falujiah, baji oil refinery 90% under ISIS, diyala pretty much gone and today the main border post between syria and iraq, from what i see the only thing is left is the capital. what did he fly do you know
  5. L

    The Iraqi Armed Forces

    now most of iraq is under ISIS and Baghdad most probably will be as well, i wounder what happens to the f16.
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