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  1. S

    Just see Wahhabi religious movement spreading in China ,What do u think ?!

    And how do you know I have not done anything about it in person ? Also isn't there a topic posted on PDF named "Just see Wahhabi religious movement spreading in China ,What do u think ?!" or maybe my reading isn't that good. If it is then I cannot comprehend how my posts are irrelevant to the...
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    Just see Wahhabi religious movement spreading in China ,What do u think ?!

    "Rights...??"" like what..Implementing Sharia law in China just like the majority of Muzzies are demanding that in England..
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    Are We Underestimating China's Military?

    Confrontation does not mean an all out war...There are numerous other ways to confront any state. Sanctions,economic isolation,asymmetric warfare etc etc for which US has dependable allies in the region and across the world if US decides to go that route against a growing China while China...
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    Iran's Zoroastrians celebrate Persian roots

    Nothing but Respect comes first from my heart when I think of Parsis(as they are known in India)..
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    Are We Underestimating China's Military?

    No that's not necessarily true.. Majority of US allies have no choice than to be bend overs to the American hegemony. Like that famous George Bush quote "You are either with us or against us.." Isn't Japan doing that day in and day out...
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    Are We Underestimating China's Military?

    "...the U.S. has very capable allies and ones that share its values and interests in many ways.." This really is a serious drawback for PRC. There exist no capable ally of China as we speak of. North Korea is a big joke. Russians are nothing but backstabbers.. so really PRC cant trust them in...
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    CISF prepares to become NSG substitute for VIP security!!

    WTF... " VIPs are known to demand NSG security" Who gave them this right ?? Down the line some of them would start asking for SPG protection as well..
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    Just see Wahhabi religious movement spreading in China ,What do u think ?!

    @sree: What do you mean you "saw" how PRC treats Tianmen protesters. Where you physically present there ?Those protesters were acting in the same manner the way those Nazi thugs behaved in Ukraine couple of months back or those so called freedom calling "protesters" did in Syria.. Calling for a...
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