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  1. D

    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    Vietnam in fact may look like Poland more than the Allies. My point is if you keep thinking that power could justify whatever you do then you might have to face the world alone. It will not happen now, It might not happen even if you invade our whole country, but if you CNese keep the aggression...
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    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    if you guys could debate without insulting each others. cancer might be cured
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    *** Vietnam Retreats from Oil Rig in South China Sea ***

    yes they move a bit further a way from our mainland but still with in the zone. thats not too bad to start cooling off those events though
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    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    and yes our gov is paying for some if not most the damage protester caused to foreign companies. next time you guys protest, do it peacefully. it will help our gov and our image alot
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    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    @Tai Shang I feel sorry for what happen during the protest, and thankful that VNese overseas does not suffer much from revenge. Things are cooling down in VN imo. Our authorities are bringing some of the most extreme protesters to court.
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    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    @grandmaster pointless discussion sorry. What I said is "The reasons why these series of events happened". and the reason is: the area is disputed, CNese gov send oil rig+ many boats there, VNese gov react,.... I just want to talk calmly with CNese, you jump on me saying I am "vietcunts" and...
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    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    You just quoted what CNese gov said abt the event. Which mean nothing! I can quote what VNese gov said and it is completely opposite of what CNese gov said. Which again do not have any meaning!
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    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    @grandmaster I think those areas may as well belong to VN. But at least its a dispute area and as you said VN gov coax fishermen to disputed area, so I think your gov shouldnt bring so many boats (include military ready boats) into the disputed area am I right? Problem is YOU going to the...
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    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    @Grand Historian now lets come back to our talk earlier. I think a thousand years occupied made us somewhat accustomed to your cultures. Hence the claim that Kinh Duong is descended from Shennong. However, as I said, all our history pre-occupied is somewhat mixed. I will not go as far as say...
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    Vietnam threatens legal action against China

    ? really? you give up on all those islands and the sea around them to us? I dont know why but thank you anyway
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    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    @Jlaw I think there are still some evidences left to prove that we did have a culture, a society before Chinese come to North Vietnam. You could google it. VNese history after we get our independence from CNese is proven truth, more or less. VNese history before CNese occupied us has some...
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    Vietnam has a lot to lose if its anti-Chinese riots continue

    I dont like link with either .vn or .cn as their tails. However, i think that report is proven enough to believe. In the other hands, I have yet to see any social unrest in VN that can link directly to our suffered economy. No killing, bombings, no protests, demonstrations, ppl may disagree...
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    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    hmm... you guys keep being proud that CN have man power to bully smaller country. what I want to talk about is: does power give you right to bully whatever you want? If your answer is yes, power gives you right to push everyone around then move on. If every CNese think like that. Im think its...
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    Vietnam has a lot to lose if its anti-Chinese riots continue

    NiceGuy has a point. There are significant social problems within China, you should solve that 1st. (our your gov is trying to raise a war so you guys could forget abt Tibet and stuffs?). However I dont hope CN economy go down. CN economy is kinda suffered already, we dont need another...
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    Vietnam has a lot to lose if its anti-Chinese riots continue

    hmm i think a better one is everyone dont touch does damn island. from what i read around there isnt any oil in that area anyway. However, if your gov agree that you not use force to try and seize other islands from us, i think we are good. let see. i think that this problem is cooling down
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    Vietnam has a lot to lose if its anti-Chinese riots continue

    @ChineseTiger1986 ok sorry abt others. I myself believe that a war is a hell. Now do you have the sources that VNese gov dont want to negotiate? Because what I read on my news is that YOUR GOV is the one who turn down when we asked for official meetings. Look like what you read on CN news is...
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    Will war break out between China and Vietnam ?

    Direct reply to OP. I can see that CN is one big *** country and want to control more things. I think our gov should sit down listen to each other and find a way without going to war. China could easily gain more control of the sea without make huge move like claim everything within the "The...
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    China attacks Vietnam gunboats in the South China Sea!

    The OP is sooooo stupid. You have more power than the weaker ones so you should spank weaker ones around? Men, I really hope that you never become anything with power or you will bring dooms to so many ppl. Small thought: Hitler think in the same line as you. After a while, he shoot himself to...
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    Chinese ship sinks Vietnamese fishing vessel

    They see the area around the rig as part of their homeland. So they go out there for... fishing? Or to prove to everyone that the sea around the oil rig is part of VN. You could imagine it like this. There are a gigantic foreign army building a huge fort in Beijing. They said that Beijing is...
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    Vietnam has a lot to lose if its anti-Chinese riots continue

    @NiceGuy I clearly hope so. From the 1st step to the 2nd step is a huge gap though. We VN is a lot different from S.Kr. There are still a lot of barrier that make Western nations do not feel as eager to transfer techs to VN as compare to S.Kr. @ViXuyen idk about that. It clearly doesnt help...
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