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  1. Realist_me

    Pindi Metro Bus concerns

    I would have believed you but that Canadian flag isnt helping. Specially when TUQ has tarnished it. TUrkish Metro Bus system is among the best "Bus" system in the world. When Musharraf dug up Islamabad nobody uttered a word. Though I appreciate him for building all these avenues. You cant speak...
  2. Realist_me

    KP plans Peshawar Metro Bus at much higher cost than Pindi

    Work is going on day and night and it will be completed by December. Atleast you shouldnt fault Shahbaz Sharif for completing projects he starts well before time. He did the same with Nandi Pur. Thats why he was so eager to get ministry of power before elections. Apart all the biases he is the...
  3. Realist_me

    3 provinces fail to achieve NFC target, except KPK

    Its not a big achievement as being depicted in media. All this tax collected will be butchered in NFC award. More important thing to do is to increase the revenue streams over and above those that accrue to the provinces from the federal divisible pool. Punjab and Sindh are doing that KPK must...
  4. Realist_me

    TI Expose KPK GOVT

    oh c'mon stop being a cry baby for once. Admit it PTI has failed big time in KPK. I admit Imran Khan is honest and not a liar but he has a pretty awful team around him. Admit it that Imran Khan was wrong to welcome lotas in his party and sidelined the ideologists. He is surrounded by just a...
  5. Realist_me

    Understanding the Article 370

    So either way casuality of this games of throne are ultimately the people of J&K.
  6. Realist_me

    Great News ! - BJP government ready to open debate on article 370.

    As long Indian army is there doing atrocities you can not heal those wounds instead deepen them.
  7. Realist_me

    Metro Train Pact Today

    Areesh you are getting trolled left right and centre but you are still deluded. Sindh will never progress including Karachi under PPP regime. As far as why federal government isnt doing anything for Karachi, firstly they have given development budget to Sindh which is more than adequate...
  8. Realist_me

    Exclusive Pictures of Karachi's Metro Bus Service

    Agree but Shahbaz Shareef has been doing development work without local bodies, why cant Qaim Ali Shah do it. But then again zinda hai bhutto zinda hai.
  9. Realist_me

    Exclusive Pictures of Karachi's Metro Bus Service

    For all the people bashing PM for not initiating Metro in Karachi, kindly do some research. Some Japanese company was invited to finance the circular railway in Karachi back in PPP or I guess Musharraf's era but were never pursued ever after to get the finances. Saad Rafiq the railway minister...
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