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  1. Americandissident

    F-4 Phantom crashed near Shiraz, 2 pilots killed

    This thread needs more western trolls:usflag:
  2. Americandissident

    China's deepening anti-corruption drive

    Now that's something we need in America. The amount of corruption here is sad.
  3. Americandissident

    Pat Robertson unloads on Bush for latest Iraq crisis: ‘We were sold a bill of goods!’

    Oh wow, I didn't know he was into politics. Funny how people can bash him when he's just stating facts. But then again most of my fellow Americans are brainwashed political wise.
  4. Americandissident

    America and Canada support Nazism in UN Resolutions

    How'd ALPAC allow this? Must have been late on payments to congress members. :lol:
  5. Americandissident

    North Korea Cruise Missile Fuels Proliferation Concerns

    Annnd another deterrent to keep NATO from invading. I can see why this would be worrying to them :lol:
  6. Americandissident

    Israeli forces carry out cross-border raids southern Gaza

    Wow, really? As if Gaza hasn't been fucked with enough... :angry:
  7. Americandissident

    Stealth SEAL Delivery Boat

    Cool looking craft!
  8. Americandissident

    US warns China that Washington will not remain passive if the international order is threatened

    Thanks! And with the amount of data Snowden supposedly took I doubt we'll be needing another one of him for awhile :lol:
  9. Americandissident

    US warns China that Washington will not remain passive if the international order is threatened

    I felt it best represented how I feel about my govt lol. After I stopped watching TV news and really started reading into my governments corruption, warmongering, and misrepresentation of the majority of Americans is when I became a dissident.
  10. Americandissident

    Bilderberg Copenhagen 2014: Full list of official attendees released

    I'm surprised none of the Rothschilds are attending :coffee:
  11. Americandissident

    US warns China that Washington will not remain passive if the international order is threatened

    "We firmly oppose any nation's use of intimidation, coercion, or the threat of force to assert these claims," :rofl: Now that's funny..
  12. Americandissident

    Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job

    Mossad does a lot of unethical shit but the sandy hook incident? lol
  13. Americandissident

    US, state sponsor of terrorism: Analyst

    People here think we have democracy with the two party bullshit but when you step back and really look at it what we have is plutocracy.
  14. Americandissident

    Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job

    Very plausible, and didn't the money go missing the day before the attacks or something like that? Something also interesting is on youtube where the inspector general for the Federal Reserve has no idea where trillions of dollars has gone while being questioned by congress. Gotta love our...
  15. Americandissident

    Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job

    No but it does include Alex Jones :enjoy:
  16. Americandissident

    Spain shelves F-35B plans

    Good decision on their part. Our goverment needs to follow suit as we're in the same boat financially... :hitwall:
  17. Americandissident

    Putin Planning To Release Evidence Exposing 9/11 As An Inside Job

    Doesn't look like a very credible news source but it would be very interesting if Putin did lay out some evidence as I have found a lot of people here in the U.S have doubts in the official story, especially the pentagon attack and WTC7.
  18. Americandissident

    US, state sponsor of terrorism: Analyst

    Well.., nobodies perfect. :lol:
  19. Americandissident

    US, state sponsor of terrorism: Analyst

    Still praying for a revolution to retake our goverment from these corporate and foreign sponsored "representatives" who run our goverment and have it replaced with direct democracy. But i doubt that will ever happen in my lifetime. :sick:
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