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  1. Didact

    Rafale Flown By Indian And French Air Force Chief Together Rajasthan

    Do not read much into any comparative reports you might find about this exercise. The French are notorious for using exercises like this to gather electronic intelligence, especially about the radar and the EW systems. During the previous Indian participation in Red Flag, the French had sent...
  2. Didact

    IED attack kills Jawan, injures 3 along LoC in J&K

    The article states that it was a I.E.D. explosion which claimed the life of the braveheart. If this is accurate, then it implies that the soldiers were following strict S.O.Ps wrt to separation among the individual soldiers. It's impressive to think that such discipline are being maintained on...
  3. Didact

    Myth of illegal BD immigrants and persecution of India's bengali muslims

    Don't write crap. However much you think you know about Assam and its problems, you know zilch.
  4. Didact

    Lashkar Planned Herat Consulate Attack to Coincide with Modi Swearing-In

    Those are ITBP, no doubt, but they are anything but a paramilitary force there. You could call them the "heavyweight boxers" of the paramilitary, if you want. There are a lot of proposals and offers for "more celebrated" units to take over security of Indian consulates in Afghanistan. There is...
  5. Didact

    Govt eyes 7.2pc growth rate by 2016-17

    Sometimes, it's just better to set yourself ambitious targets than some seemingly easy target. We have seen time and time again, from governments to cricket teams, from business corporations to humanitarian organizations, the organization failing to achieve easy targets simply because the men...
  6. Didact

    Arihant N-sub gets ready to fire ballistic missiles

    perhaps yes, perhaps no, but whatever be the position of the K-15 w.r.t. the strategic Forces ORBAT, it would be illogical to have the K-4, which by official count has had just a single successful launch, be the first launch from the INS Arihant. The K-15, with its numerous successful launches...
  7. Didact

    To solve Kashmir, see LoC as border, says PM Pak envoy S K Lambah

    I'm asking one simple question: Why would India, the superior party in the conflict under consideration, accept loss of territory currently held by it? It's not as if the current positions are vulnerable or untenable, or for that matter overwhelmingly expensive for the G.O.I. It flies in the...
  8. Didact

    Rise of PLAAF : Implications for India

    You are drawing your theories based on the 1962 situation. Fair enough, history is always a precedent. However, as has been demonstrated countless times, events do not always walk upon the path lit by history. Emperor Wilhelm couldn't capture Paris in 4 years of war. 25 years later, the inferior...
  9. Didact

    No J-10B for PAF | A.C Khalid, calls for a focus on 5th generation platform instead.

    So in essence you are putting the gun on your head and threatening that unless I get more bullets, I'm gonna shoot myself clean. Pretty neat trick to get something.... Do tell us if it does succeed. We do have the bigger guns. Should get us quite a bit more.
  10. Didact

    Rise of PLAAF : Implications for India

    That would be a theory, of course, but as far as possible, every army wants to secure its positions from counter attacks in the future. This is the reason why India took over Kargil in 1971 & the Israeli's took over Golan Heights in 1967 (or maybe 1973??). Having such a large plain sweeping...
  11. Didact

    Rise of PLAAF : Implications for India

    fair enough, But as a resident of North East, I'll point out the difference between your opinion and mine. You're free to disagree if you like. It is certainly true that all nations that go to war estimate and expect casualties. It's already factored into their battle plans and logistics plans...
  12. Didact

    INS Vikramaditya operationally deployed.

    Not to ruin anyone's jubilation, but this first deployment is just to ratify operational procedures and hone seamen skills for daily operations. The priority for this deployment would be to generate performance statistics which can be repeated again and again to precision, in effect giving us...
  13. Didact

    The challenges facing India’s Navy (from IHS Jane's Defense)

    The last time somebody decided their neighbor was an uncivilized race, primitive, inferior race, the rude shock that followed pretty much ended right at the doors of Hitler. So, if you want to declare India all that, be my guest. And btw, about the no skilled technician part, I'd need to stifle...
  14. Didact

    BSF assistant commandant shot dead by constable

    Unfortunately we have an army,a paramilitary and a police force composed exclusively of humans. And by humans, I really do mean imperfect humans leading imperfect lives surrounded by incredible difficulties both on and off work. As such, it is inevitable that some will crack, some will collapse...
  15. Didact

    ‘Pak army wants dialogue with India but with all options open’

    I don't think the national mood or priority is to teach Pakistan a lesson right now. And irrespective of who forms the government, I expect the current stance vis-a-vis pak to continue. All that of-course is subject to the absence of a large scale provocation by terrorists based in Pakistan on...
  16. Didact

    Lt-General Thorat's 1962 China warning fell on deaf ears.

    The problem with invading big countries is that time is never on your side. As long as you secure a rapid and overwhelming campaign to force the country into submission, its all well and good. But the moment your offensive gets bogged down for whatever reason and the enemy, a colossal enemy at...
  17. Didact

    A question From History of Pak Armed Forces.

    Even Hitler wouldn't dare declare himself as the non-aggressor after launching two offensives into another nation's territory. Hell, it would be more believable if you had stated that it was a preemptive strike. But then, believe what you want, declare what you would, don't make no difference to...
  18. Didact

    F-16 shooting down an Eurofighter (exercice)

    What would you be trying to imply with this video? That F-16s can take down a Eurofighter? Well, I agree its 100% possible, but then that is where possibility and plausibility go their own ways Every once a while, an underdog cleans up a leader in football, a buffalo takes on a lion. We have...
  19. Didact

    Gen Raheel Sharif calls Kashmir as "jugular vein of Pakistan"

    Ignoring your obvious, and absolutely pitiful superiority complex over us low life Indians, Allow yourself the disgrace of answering this simple question of mine... Supposing that everything you have stated is correct and the word of the god himself written in stone, We agree that Kashmir is a...
  20. Didact

    Lt-General Thorat's 1962 China warning fell on deaf ears.

    @Chinese-Dragon True except for the last line. The Indo-China conflict pretty much coincided with the more prolific Cuban missile crisis of 1962. You might say its mere coincidence, but there is strong belief here that this "coincidence" was deliberate. It prevented the U.S. from supporting...
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