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  1. M

    New sanctions on Russia could 'seriously' impact growth

    That is why Russia repeal the military intervention act .So that it could sign the south stream contract.
  2. M

    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    That is why I listed two cases: 1)Economic Collapse 2) Nuclear war preparations.
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    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    Okay so how will the corps source the ree's? the infrastructure for ree production is readily available in china. not so other countries. are you derivatives trading? Exchange or OTC?
  4. M

    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    You will likely see global market panic by near end of 2014 or 2015,but this will be global this time. Paul Craig Roberts hass confirmed that all govt and corporate gold has disappeared from Federal Reserve's vaults. This either means: economic collapse or USA is gearing up for waging a world war.
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    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    I use to a few writers . Doug Casey ,the Casey report .Nadeem Walayat from market oracle .co.uk. Good trend forecaster he is . Andrew McKillop and two more . Don't follow Kent Moors. He's the worse liar .
  6. M

    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    If you are reading Seeking Alpha you are wasting your time. Though Seeking Alpha has good writers on the American oil and gas industry and mining sector.But a lot of it is pump and dump stock propaganda especially housing and healthcare. My experience. Hope so.The kind of myopic decisions EU...
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    7 Signs China's Economy Is Headed For Collapse

    You sure have an hard on for China . @Chinese-Dragon @Hu Songshan @Beidou2020
  8. M

    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    But according to Historians she was niece of Mamai Khan. A lot of tatars due to racial mixing have slavic looks. Like the recent tatar miss Russia. She looks Slavic to me and the same for Mr. Putin 's new wife Kabaeva ,she also look slavic to me. Putin has more tatar looks than Mrs. Kabaeva in...
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    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Ivan the Terrible,his mother Elena Glinskaya is a descendant of Mongol Mamai Khan I really don't think so. If you look at many russian ,ethnic mix can be seen. Unless you are talking of russian in belarus ,novogorod. They look Scandinavian .Sorry .I think I will disagree here. Mongol blood in...
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    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Russia mixed with lot of ethnicities .Finnish,german,circassian,poles,serb,armenians,greeks etc etc. Look at the tsar Ivan the terrible .He has a lot of mongol looks.
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    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Neither being slavic save serbs,poles,circassians,croatians ,albanians . Russian orthodoxy and other orthodoxy different sect.You can google Rudolf Steiner and Edgar Cayce. If Russia must survive ,faith in God is needed.Currently,I see too many russian worshipping west these days. Even the...
  12. M

    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Good,then Russian orthodox church can convert more and save them from the jaws of hell. 2 million converted a few million more to convert. Your nation's strength is not being slavic ,but russian orthodoxy. This religion absorbed and smashed all invaders to pieces and converted them whether...
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    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    @Arzamas 16 There are 7-9 million muslims practicing in Russia out of 145 million .2 million muslims converted to christianity and 15% of the new converts are adyge. According to religious experts in Russia such as Vyacheslav Sanin and Roman Silantyev, the number of ethnic Slavs who have...
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    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    I think it was 18th century when the caucus war started.
  15. M

    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Yet from the 14th-18th century ,circassians,chechens continously settled in Russian empire districts and converted. Don't worry when Russia will become rich again ,the church might start economic incentives to convert ,we might see things change. And circassians in caucusus were forcibly...
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    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Actually I prefer ethnographers and historians. And they disagree with you. India is a mix of whites tribes from iran,scythia,caucusus ,bengalis and bihari dark complexion ,south dark complexion and north east mongoloid complexation. India is a big mix. So is Russia.
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    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    In the end ,it don't matter. I am happy that circassians saw the beauty of russian orthodoxy and converted. I hope the remaining muslim adyge see that and convert to.
  18. M

    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Slavs are multi-ethnic in my opinion. According to some ethnographers slavs is another name for circassians. Our Forefathers: The Gothonic Nations - Gudmuud Schütte - Google Books Circassians and slavs as part of scthyians and sarmatians. Inventing Eastern Europe: The Map of Civilization on...
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    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Actually,many cherkess did mix with slavic traditions and converted to orthodoxy. Actually, the claim is that circassians descended from Scythians is from a circassian historian Amjad Jaimoukha himself.Majority Slavic tribes are scythians and sarmatians . Then there is this ancient hyperborean...
  20. M

    Circassians and Cherkasy-East Ukrainians(Donbass cossacks) :-common past/origin

    Cossacks are ethnicity and russian military caste.Read the tsarist chronicles.Cossacks and circassians were used interchangingly in the 15-17th century. In my opinion ,yes. Circassians and slavs are descendants of scythians. It was not genocide ,but religious ethnic cleansing. Tsar felt that...
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