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    America takes help of India in monitoring pakistan`s nuclear assets:Stratfor

    There is no real havoc nowdays only 1or 2 channels like INDIA TV etc. sometimes remind of ISI..... Also attention now is toeards elections But how about RAW creating havoc in your minds:devil::devil::devil:
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    America takes help of India in monitoring pakistan`s nuclear assets:Stratfor

    1)I wonder you wanted to say pakistan instead of india here man.. See your words:rofl::rofl: 2)In case of Pakistan everything is possible CIA might have to outsource information even from Russia and China because there are some people (I saw in another forum) that want GOP to personally give...
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    America takes help of India in monitoring pakistan`s nuclear assets:Stratfor

    Here`s a link from the prestegious news paper US banks on India for Pakistan’s nuclear security: Stratfor Now mind your words before saying anything baseless..
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    America takes help of India in monitoring pakistan`s nuclear assets:Stratfor

    US banks on India for Pakistan’s nuclear security: Stratfor Here is the link
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    America takes help of India in monitoring pakistan`s nuclear assets:Stratfor

    Guys it is headlines of all indian news papers
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    U.S. wants more info on Pakistan's nuclear arsenal

    Now Usa said New delhi is assisting in Pakistan nuclear arsenal info. GOTO-http://www.defence.pk/forums/strategic-geopolitical-issues/26609-america-takes-help-india-monitoring-pakistan-s-nuclear-assets-stratfor.html#post376137
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    America takes help of India in monitoring pakistan`s nuclear assets:Stratfor

    Agency,Washington. 13\5\2009 America`s main agency Stratfor said that it takes help of india in monitoring nuclear assets of pakistan. It also stated the main source of intelligence on pakistan`s nuclear assets is New Delhi. America`s...
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    Indo-China war Inevitable ?

    Ya! India and China are not in a position to fight the war right now or for next 50 years.. Both will surpass america around 2040 economically and after that fight for no.1 might begin.
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    The US and India need to work together to prepare for an increasingly chaotic Pakista

    What are you talking about.:what:. You think world will spare you after getting hit by your made nukes..never ever think about that...:blah::blah:
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    Pakistan accuses India and Afghanistan of meddling in Baluchistan.

    Great! Now thats cool.. I am looking forward to this step of GOP if they can continue...or again rehman malik comes under pressure and drops this issue. I think he would drop this issue very soon:crazy: But for now looking forward to it:cheers::pop::pop:
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