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  1. Random111

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    Topside seams very bulky, is that standard or already with added armor for more frontal protection?
  2. Random111

    Future direction for PAKTURK Military cooperation?

    From the wants of Turkey; Obvious; - Nuclear armament - (I)CBM (to deliver said nukes) Not so obvious; - COIN & Mountain warfare/mountaineering Nuclear armament still is several steps away, even though we're starting to build nuclear reactors they are being built with foreign investments...
  3. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    They really messed up with this one, don't think they expected this much blowback.
  4. Random111

    MPT-76 Battle Rifle | News and Discussions

    ''Currently MKEK has only the capability to produce 15,000 weapons a year, so it may need to expand its production facilities or license production to partners should a full-scale production order be received from Turkey.'' License production to a good company instead of a government institute...
  5. Random111

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    Seems like ISIS / Baath leadership (whoever is really running the show) calculated a possible response from Turkey and used the hostages. Usually we use diplomatic means to get hostages back so I'm sure that will happen now aswell, the only thing is that that will come too late if we want to...
  6. Random111

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    People shouldn't mistake attacking with invading.. We can't invade, not now. It would mean opening another front open for hostilities. Syrian border, Iraqi border and above that have the PKK inside the borders. The plan is simple; let them fight amongst themselves and weaken them as much as...
  7. Random111

    Mosul Consulate Hostage Crisis (Update: All Hostages Have Been Freed)

    I think those truckers got taken by local Sunni tribes, perhaps ISIS even handed them over. ISIS fanboys on the internet are dumb, but the leadership isn't. Openly attacking Turkey would be a stupid mistake so they won't dare to do it (yet), whatever the twitter fanboys say. We're one step away...
  8. Random111

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Kerkuk, Musul... Stand by our Turkmen brothers. We have no choice but I don't expect it from the AKP.
  9. Random111

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    Maliki is Shia, tbh I think he's trying to hold the Shia areas and let Sunni's deal with ISIS themselves (aka abandon them). Kurds won't be able to hold them on their own, Barzani will have to look at Turkey. What are we going to do? Depends. The middle-east is being reshaped.
  10. Random111

    Turkish Politics & Internal Affairs

    What will our end game be? Better yet, what will Erdogan's end game be? Will we have to wait till after the elections to see some actions? Shit is getting out of control and they're all ignoring it.
  11. Random111

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    It's important for Turkey. Barzani is kind of Turkeys man, so he doesn't want the PKK because they're a threat for his leadership. But the others do see them as legitimate and are willing to work with them. If Iran helps them out and makes a deal, they can expand this to Syria as well. Meaning...
  12. Random111

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    Hezbollah, Hamas, active in Iraq, helping Houthi rebels in Yemen. Now active in Syria. Maybe not exactly a proxy war but there is definetly some helping going on. Don't get me wrong, I'm not judging Iran for being good/bad.
  13. Random111

    Iran helping PKK again in Kandil

    Wouldn't suprise me. Iran wants to be powerfull and uses proxy's to fight for them since they lack the capacity for a full scale war, and the sanctions are crippling them. If it's true, maybe our government should wake up and stop supplying Iran with money under the table, you know the...
  14. Random111

    Altay & Turkish Main Battle Tank Programs

    Perhaps SSM kicked Otokars ***, because they showed early pictures? Something about a turret that wasn't meant to be seen.
  15. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    If we were expanding, then you might say that you're right. But we're renovating / rebuilding new ones, to replace the old shitty anti-smuggler outposts that are meant for a night or two of rest during bad weather. Those aren't a match for the fight we're now facing. And that is the exact point...
  16. Random111

    Huge Projects of Türkiye

    What I wish for; nature + highrise buildings/offices, think Panama Canal like. Good connection thanks to public transport. Also some historical buildings instead of just modern stuff to attract tourists. What I expect; concrete, gray mass, concrete, no parks, no grass, no trees, no nature...
  17. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    We will see more attacks, and deaths unfortunately. They've already killed one soldier (went unnoticed by the media), and during the recent orchestrated riots they've realized that the military won't play ball. We've had several wounded, but we also killed a couple of them bastards. They just...
  18. Random111

    The Fight against PKK Terrorism

    They want the monopoly to represent the Kurds, the same way they've been infiltrating all over Europe. Probably every Kurdish center (unfortunately) has connections to these bastards. Remember, they also clashed with Kurdish Hizbullah (still do at uni's).
  19. Random111

    Efes 2014 Exercise

    That's what I mean with old website. Look how 'small' their gallery is. Fotoğraf Galerisi - Anadolu Ajansı
  20. Random111

    Efes 2014 Exercise

    Meh, that's a niché market, don't think it will be too popular. I mean, most people don't really follow the defense industry, or understand it too much. All we need is for an organization like AA, who supposedly is active all over the world to modernize and go with the flow. I'm sure they have...
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