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  1. Min Ye Kyaw Swar

    Myanmar as an emerging military power

    1 . There is no Rohingya just the refuge of Bagali There are 135 ethnic groups in Myanmar , with different culture and religious nowaday . It can't be 136 by adding Rohingya . Even Burmese Muslim or Christian don't support consider them as a ethnic even they insurgent and war with what you...
  2. Min Ye Kyaw Swar

    Myanmar as an emerging military power

    Really , another young brain washed Indo again , If you want to Jihad to Myanmar , you should be proud ,coz you know why we gonna make islands of tiny indonesia as a mystery and history of lost civilization like Mu continent and Atlantis . Watch this feature to get a idea what Myanamar is ...
  3. Min Ye Kyaw Swar

    Myanmar as an emerging military power

    Really ? I tell you what , The word called Burma have been older than American , North Korea and also Bangladesh . Our national identity have been old for 2000 years . So , along of the history we have so many friends and so many enemies ,and thus so many wars . All of the old civilizations on...
  4. Min Ye Kyaw Swar

    Myanmar as an emerging military power

    everything about Myanmar especially which concern with Military are No. 1 secrete for us , our over 1000 years old tradition of military style is "silent but deadly " . We give them gold , ruby and jade and they give us tech and hardware , well it is just a business . Not only with China ...
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