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  1. R

    GE turns to Bangladesh

    Well let's hope so. We need Bangladeshis here to stop sucking up to Pakistanis and a few others that suck up to Indians. I am okay with Hasina provided she keeps a stand-offish relationship with India. Also, anytime these multinationals from the US or Europe invest in Bangladesh, we need...
  2. R

    How ethno-centric are Indians?

    Does ethno-centricism override religious differences? For example, would a Marathi Hindu feel greater kinship with a Marathi Muslim than he would with a Punjabi Hindu?
  3. R

    Why are we allowing an Indian road link to pass through Bangladesh?

    Indians don't give a shit about one another as they are the most ethnocentric people in the world. So why does Bangladesh care what happens to India? Hasina needs to be got rid of, before she sells out the country. By the way, I don't agree you have to be friendly to neighbouring countries...
  4. R

    Why are we allowing an Indian road link to pass through Bangladesh?

    If you want to build a road link to Burma and Thailand then do so through Northeast India. You are not going through us. These days it's cheaper to use air freight anyway.
  5. R

    Indian border guards torturing Bangladeshi

    Either side doesn't matter. Otherwise we will have people torturing someone on the other side, then bringing him over and claiming they were on this side. In any case, even if he was on the Indian side, why should he be tortured? Indian soldiers do this everywhere. Many Kashmiris have been...
  6. R

    Indian border guards torturing Bangladeshi

    I say we should get rid of Hasina. Someone should just put a bullet to her head or she be sent to the gallows, whichever is more convenient. She is literally giving the country away to India.
  7. R

    ‘India will deploy army here (Bangladesh)’

    Seriously, we need to ban the lungi from worn out on the streets. It looks completely silly when you see some people in downtown Dhaka in lungi while most are wearing shirt and trousers. Wearing the lungi doesn't give off a professional image in a vibrant city. The lungi should only be for the...
  8. R

    Bangladesh must not allow India access through its territory

    If they want access to Northeast India then they need to go through Assam, not through Bangladesh, at any cost. India has conspired to ruin West Bengal and now they will turn their attention to Bangladesh. I don't have anything against Hindus but sort of despise the terrorist Indian state.
  9. R

    Bangladesh-Myanmar road link

    As much as I realise Bangladesh needs to progress economically, building direct road links to Burma, Thailand, China, and allowing India to pass through Bangladesh in connecting to its Northeast are all highly dangerous developments. Hasina is destroying Bangladesh as far as I'm concerned. She...
  10. R

    Why are we allowing an Indian road link to pass through Bangladesh?

    The connection between Northwest and Northeast of India. Why should they be able to pass through another sovereign nation? Hasina is selling out Bangladesh.
  11. R

    ‘India will deploy army here (Bangladesh)’

    All of Bay of Bengal should be our property.
  12. R

    What is the connection between Sylhet and London?

    Agreed. An Afghan friend of mine said Bengali sounds similar to Farsi. I think Bengali in Bangladesh is peppered with Farsi words. But I can also understand someone from Kolkata perfectly well, but maybe they won't understand us so well.
  13. R

    Can Bangladesh overtake Pakistan's economy in size?

    You Pakistanis see population as an asset but we Bangladeshis feel we are already overpopulated. Japan has 25m fewer people than us but many times the richer. The main idea is to boost income per capita, eliminate poverty, become serious players in tech and other leading industries. Sure, China...
  14. R

    ‘India will deploy army here (Bangladesh)’

    I think we seriously need to look more thoroughly into alternative sources to generate power. I know solar is not adequate yet but somehow we need to become less dependent on India.
  15. R

    What is the connection between Sylhet and London?

    I am from Sylhet and I can understand every word someone from Calcutta speaks. I don't think they may understand me, only because we speak in a very coarse accent, but someone from Dhaka can communicate perfectly with someone from Calcutta. The language of Bangladesh and WB has been almost fully...
  16. R

    Hasina is bad for Bangladesh

    Since we both have a common enemy in India, I think we can get the Chinese to build up our defence system on the cheap. We should have a few nuclear warheads aimed at India as a deterrent. We should also get the Chinese to build world class metros, transit systems, flyovers in Bangladesh, all...
  17. R

    Metro rail to ease plight of Dhaka commuters

    Those are outdated stats. Bangladesh GDP in nominal is about $150bn. Dhaka not only needs a world class metro but also a couple more flyovers. This will reduce congestion greatly.
  18. R

    Hasina is bad for Bangladesh

    She has already allowed India to encroach on our land in areas near the Indian border and also given away part of Bay of Bengal that Bangladesh had previously jurisdiction over. The Bay of Bengal sits on top of a lot of natural resources that Bangladesh could make use of, which now the Indians...
  19. R

    India's fear of Chicken Neck and annexation plan of Nepal and Bhutan

    I honestly think Hasina is an atheist (maybe even Hindu) but disguised as a Muslim. Bangladesh needs to stop collaboration with India. She is laying the foundations for an eventual annexation of Bangladesh.
  20. R

    Bengali Nationalism a Threat to Bangladesh's National Security

    The good thing about Bangladesh unlike India, the income is more evenly distributed. So even if India has a higher income per capita it still has a higher concentration of poor. Lot of India's wealth is concentrated among the elite, so the per capita can be misleading. I am really worried India...
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