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  1. Khattak786

    Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant: “We Will Conquer Istanbul”

    wow ... great muslims,,, and see they have declared jihad only in Muslim countries, are they the one's called "khawarij". and I was watching a video some days ago saying that they were funded by US IN Syria.. If I am wrong someone please correct me.
  2. Khattak786

    Operation Zarb-e-Azb | Updates, News & Discussions.

    I think its time to eliminate those scums, but I think we should make sure they don't flee to Afghanistan, and also should stop their reinforcements from across the border, otherwise I don't think we are gonna succeed.
  3. Khattak786

    Iran will "consider" joint action with US in Iraq, Hassan Rouhani says

    I think would start an unending war in the region, and will make the ummah more stressed, and I think US & Israel will be quit happy if Iran offers them help, and what worries me the most is if KSA and other sunni muslim maority countries start helping/arming the ISIS to fight back Iran and US...
  4. Khattak786

    SSG's Weapons.

    well done @Zarvan, quit informative. and I do agree with @rocksrat08,
  5. Khattak786

    Eager Lion 2014 Military Exercise

    nice to hear that,
  6. Khattak786


    yes of course it is, but from your point of view, as they are doing exactly what you likes, well what about those Kashmiri students who chanted pro Pakistan slogans, Did you like that ? or would you dare to call it their "passion for the game" so same is here, Geo has tried to defame ISI, which...
  7. Khattak786

    Another multi-million dollar terror tunnel from Gaza exposed

    i think one should say that about israel. what israel is doing in Gaza, I think we should call it "Terrorism", what option are they left with other than fighting ?
  8. Khattak786

    US Should Not Give Leftover Weapons to Pakistan: Afghanistan

    US won't give it to the Afghanistan, cos they know there will be a civil war in Afghanistan after their departure, and they wont like it to be a short term massacre, they would love to see afghans killing afghans for years, even decads.
  9. Khattak786

    Retired Air Force general stands by theory Malaysian Airlines flight could have landed in Pakistan

    I wonder would the general say about the news story regarding maps of US base at Diego Garcia found at the home of the pilot.
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