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  1. Elucid

    Operation Barbarossa

    Army Group South On 22nd June Field Marshal von Rundstedt launched his offensive on his left wing with the Seventeenth and Sixth Armies, which stood to the north of the Carpathians. Further to the south the Eleventh Army and the Rumanian Army were still standing by, both in order to deceive the...
  2. Elucid

    Operation Barbarossa

    Army Group Centre On the opening day, 22 June, The Ninth Army and Third Panzer Group attacked at 0305 hrs in co-ordination with Army Group North, while Forth Army and Second Panzer Group moved out at 0315 hrs, as did von Rundstedt to their south. As the mission and enemy situation dictated...
  3. Elucid

    Operation Barbarossa

    On 24 June von Leeb enthusiastically wrote in his diary that von Manstein’s Dunaburg (Daugavpils) bridgehead represented “A stake into the heart of the enemy.” But what use is a victory if it is not exploited? The wide Daugava had been crossed and the vital railway centre between Vilna and...
  4. Elucid

    Operation Barbarossa

    Infantry armies on the flanks: As Eighteenth Army advanced through the Baltic states, it scored its first great victory at Liepaga. The defence of the town was magnificently organized. The individual Soviet soldier was well trained and fought with fanatical bravery. The Russian troops regarded...
  5. Elucid

    Operation Barbarossa

    Its only the start. Dont forget to thank the posts. Action : Frontier Battles Army Group North Forth Panzer Group comprised two mobile corps, General von Manstein’s LVI Panzer Corps and General Reinhardth’s XLI Panzer Corps. First task of this Panzer Group was to reach the Daugava river...
  6. Elucid

    Operation Barbarossa

    The German offensive front was divided into three sectors – North, Centre, South. Army Group North, under Field Marshal Ritter von Leeb, was to advance with two Armies and one Panzer Group from East Prussia across the Memel. Its objective was the annihilation of the Soviet forces in the Baltic...
  7. Elucid

    Operation Barbarossa

    The preparations and build-up for Operation Barbarossa were carried out with the greatest secrecy. Even on 21 June 1941, a day before the launch of invasion, there was still confusion among the troops as they assembled along the entirety of the Soviet frontier. The following Fuehrer Order read...
  8. Elucid

    Operation Barbarossa

    First the Fuehrer Order that laid the foundations for Barbarossa. Preparations for Barbarossa started with this directive in December 1940. The Fuehrer and Supreme Commander of the Wehrmacht Fuehrer's Headquarters 18.12.40 Directive No. 21 Case Barbarossa The German Armed Forces must be...
  9. Elucid

    Operation Barbarossa

    Last time i was on this forum, taking to @Mighty Caty, I said i would do a thread on Operation Barbarossa but then I didnt because i was nursing a broken wrist. I think now i would post a detailed account of Barbarossa on this thread. @AUSTERLITZ I am sure you can contribute more than me on...
  10. Elucid

    Do Russian Tanks Suck?

    Cool.8-) Very accurate analysis. I am starting a thread on Operation Barbarossa. See you there.
  11. Elucid

    this is why i love dogs

    IMO people can eat anything they want. Armies throughout history used to eat horses when their food supplies got cut off. I was just surprised at canadians eating dogs because they are wealthy. So you are native american ?
  12. Elucid

    Do Russian Tanks Suck?

    Correct, Stalingrad was not part of the plan for Case Blue. But I believe like many others that German loss didnt begin at Stalingrad but it started at Moscow. We need dedicated threads for Case Barbarossa and Case Blue to discuss there issues in detail. You served in Swedish military ?
  13. Elucid

    this is why i love dogs

    You eat dogs ? Whats your ethnicity, east asian ? if not then european canadians eat dogs or is it just you ?
  14. Elucid

    Premier League- Norwich City VS Liverpool

    Liverpool fans must be really excited. First league title coming their why in what 25 years ?
  15. Elucid

    Do Russian Tanks Suck?

    Yes indeed. The Soviets were fighting at their doorstep and they took full advantage of it. But thats an advantage the home side will always have. They were always going to throw men and material into the battlefield quicker than the Germans. Thats why taking Moscow was of paramount importance...
  16. Elucid

    Do Russian Tanks Suck?

    Apologies for the late reply, I was busy. I totally understand what you are saying. Stalin ruthlessly sacrificed his men throughout the war. For him his armies were only objects to be thrown in the way of the German torrent to slow it down. He had unlimited human resource and he used them as...
  17. Elucid

    Do Russian Tanks Suck?

    Just my two cents on Stalingrad. Soviets were not using human wave attacks there rather they were well dug in. Principle of fortification was at work. Soviets kept pumping men into those dug outs. No matter how many got killed refreshments kept coming across the Volga. Germans were not strong...
  18. Elucid

    Pakistan Army does exercises in front of Baluch Students

    Education should be the primary tool for integration not jingoism. Get them into schools and universities.
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