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  1. jaheen100

    Education can change the Pakistan

    we always said that education system is to good but we can never do some thing to betterment of this system
  2. jaheen100

    Education can change the Pakistan

    I think, Education is only the thing, which can change the Pakistan. Our country is going backword due to lack of education. It is important to focus on it to make progress.
  3. jaheen100

    ‘Pakistani youth warming up to India’

    Youth of Pakistan is a capital of country. It can be developed the country. But Education is needed to make them strong for the country. So, It is necessary for Youth to get education first and then do hardwork for the progress of country.
  4. jaheen100

    Three injured in Lower Kurram Agency explosion

    Kpk should to help to injured person and make inquiry of the explosion.
  5. jaheen100

    Taliban suspect Afghan intelligence of targeting them in Pakistan.

    Taliban need to stopped the targeted war in both countries and try to peace in the countries.
  6. jaheen100

    Injured war veterans are national heroes: Gen Raheel Sharif

    They have done many struggle for the Pakistan and they are also heroes of our country.
  7. jaheen100

    Maybe its time we change our ways

    I agree with You. It is best time to change our ways. Just we need to struggle for the country.
  8. jaheen100

    The Secret US War in Pakistan

    The war of US against Pakistan, is dangerous for all the world. It must stopped.
  9. jaheen100

    National Security Policy

    National security policy is need of the nation of country. It is the duty of Govt to provide it.
  10. jaheen100

    Making life meaningful

    It is very necessary for all people to make his life meaning ful. Because It show the personality of a man.
  11. jaheen100

    A very nice article on the Fall of Dhaka

    I have read this article. It is article about the fall of Dhaka.
  12. jaheen100

    Medical Exam

    Thanks for the really valuable Information. Can't write it better than this...!
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