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  1. 2

    Hypothesis: Hypothesis: Should China sell J-8II H/F to N. Korea to replace gaining Fleet

    They have been there since WW2, exactly my point. Even when USSR collapsed, they were still intact, and Guess what? They are more intact today than ever before. Not only are those bases intact, but the U.S. has increased the number of bases, which is an escalation since WW2 or since 1991 if you...
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    Hypothesis: Hypothesis: Should China sell J-8II H/F to N. Korea to replace gaining Fleet

    Well, I have to respectfully disagree. Talk is talk while actions speak louder than Words. NATO promised Russia not to expand in 1990, and look where NATO is today? Knocking on Russian's doors. In China's case, the U.S. has already started to "knock" on Chinese doors. For instance...
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    Hypothesis: Hypothesis: Should China sell J-8II H/F to N. Korea to replace gaining Fleet

    I agree. No matter how much China wishes to have friendly and good relations With South Korea, the fact is unfortunately that SK is still a U.S. ally, and they have 28.000 U.S. troops stationed in SK. On the other and, China has no troops in NK. With the Taipei issue not even Close to resolved...
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    Hypothesis: Hypothesis: Should China sell J-8II H/F to N. Korea to replace gaining Fleet

    North Korea does have the money. Everyone thinks they are poor, but that is not entirely correct as they still have the "hard currecly", better than anything else - gold reserves. I qoute: North Korea has begun to sell large amounts of gold to China in a bid to tide over its economic crisis...
  5. 2

    Republic of China Army shows off newly acquired Apache AH-64E choppers

    Yes, definitely. There is no doubt that 20-30 Apaches can take on Shanghai and Beijing. Those 20-30 Apaches are going to slaughter 250 J-10s; 100 Su-30 MKK/MK2; the S-300PMU2 and HQ systems; 200+ J-11s, J-15, AWACS and everything else they come across, such as PLAN. Yup. No doubt about that.
  6. 2

    Hypothesis: Hypothesis: Should China sell J-8II H/F to N. Korea to replace gaining Fleet

    China can't do it, even if it wanted to. I agree with you, but I think that the U.S. and China might have some kind of deal under "the table". As long as China doesn't sell anything to North Korea, the U.S. won't sell anything significant to Taipei either. Aside from the Apaches and a couple of...
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