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  1. hadoken

    What is this Indo-Scythian peoples?Friends please clear my doubt

    "Rajput" was a title given to the hindu warrior I thought...
  2. hadoken

    China's Picturesque Tibet Autonomous Region: News & Images

    This is pretty interesting. Surprised the Chinese government was okay with all this, given the political instability in Nepal at the moment. Good news none the less.
  3. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    Bengladeshi and Srilankans looks the same? I always assumed that the further south you went , the darker people got.
  4. hadoken

    your favorite animal???!

    save the tigers! There are only handfull of them left in Nepal India and China now. There are too many humans around to **** shit up. Maybe we could do with another world war eh?
  5. hadoken

    your favorite animal???!

    Wolf, Tigers and Humans
  6. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    lol thats pretty low
  7. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    Oh word? So I am not hte only one eh?
  8. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    I think the problem is , most people in India would rather see people who look like themselves on TV. This has to do (imo) a lot with the fact that the mongoloid Paharis are not quite adapted/assimilated with the mainland lifestyle and culture. Its not just the south who has these sentiments...
  9. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    no doubt about it. Maybe they might get roles that involve an actual Indian character.
  10. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    I bet you guys didnt know this but Danny was a popular play back singer in Nepal.
  11. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    yea she is like the Amitabh for all us Paharis. I can only imagine how much harder it must be for the ones with mongoloid features to break into the industry.
  12. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    Usually thats pretty much were it starts. That little strip from Jammu to western Nepal
  13. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    tell this to our Chini friends :| Guys in India, do people from the hills really have much of an identity in the national media/movie industries?
  14. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    no mustache no party!
  15. hadoken

    Fair? - A documentary about skin colour in India

    lol yes we are all dogs :D
  16. hadoken

    Domino's Pizza outlet attacked as India, U.S. fail to cool diplomat row

    Do you guys have an agenda? That was just performance art done by one of the millions of free thinkers/ artists of present day china.
  17. hadoken

    Domino's Pizza outlet attacked as India, U.S. fail to cool diplomat row

    good one! moral of the story :Lets give the middle give the middle finger to uncle sam by trashing an Indian owned Franchise, which sells Italian fastfood :D Yep, they sure told America who is boss alright.
  18. hadoken

    Sino-Indian Border Dispute

    Moment of truth Bhai log.... one can present themselves to have a persona of this man: even when its painfully obvious, one avoids the mirror because they look like thiss : ...such is the beauty of the Internet. I think I <3 it!
  19. hadoken

    MAHABHARAT ! The greatest Epic of the Subcontinent on TV, 21st Century Style.

    The Telegraph - Calcutta : Nation
  20. hadoken

    MAHABHARAT ! The greatest Epic of the Subcontinent on TV, 21st Century Style.

    Ofcourse the "powers" of these humans have been exaggerated. I dont believe in any of htese my self . I see myself as an athiest. BUT I do know that Krishna existed, as did his kingdom. But what does the mahabharat being a Myth or a real story have anything to do with my desire for it to be...
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