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  1. myanmarsniper

    MiG29 SMT Vs Gripen NG

    Hi Guys, any comparisons? :)
  2. myanmarsniper

    Myanmar Armed forces thread

    Go to Myanmar Defense Weapons ;) Cover Photos - Myanmar Defence Weapons | Facebook Actually we may have ;) we just keep quiet only :D
  3. myanmarsniper

    Myanmar Armed forces thread

    200MiGs? Great then good luck :) Present for you :) https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/72880_451093518279957_1131481858_n.jpg 491 Stealth FAC Built in Myanmar F12 Stealth Frigate Made in Myanmar You should know that building is cheaper than buying. ;) And it only...
  4. myanmarsniper

    Bangladesh Navy: Year 2024

    BN will have nuclear submarines? :D
  5. myanmarsniper

    Myanmar Armed forces thread

    1. In Wiki, if you read that we have 20, then always remember that we have 40, we never show our actual number but always shows half of actual number, btw, we have 30 only :D so ..... who knows may be 60 :D 2. Not only SAM, SSM also :D may be around 700km, who knows?? :D I mean SSM, for SAM, we...
  6. myanmarsniper

    Myanmar Armed forces thread

    Yes we have, we even have HQ-9 and HQ-12. Penchora also :)
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