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  1. boomslang

    Russian Special Forces Alpha Unit

    I saw one that was a million tiny skulls. Not like the one above. Smaller. You had to look at it a second before you recognized them. Like an optical illusion. I may have mine done in the winter. Got a little time to research and see who's good and to check out patterns.
  2. boomslang

    Russian Special Forces Alpha Unit

    Probably hydro graphics. Check it out. Water Transfer Printing / HydroGraphics / Camo Dipping That shit is bad as hell !! And not too expensive. $259 for an AR and one mag. Scope is $140 for scope, rings and base. I'm thinking of getting mine done in the winter.
  3. boomslang

    India strongly reacts to reported Chinese claim on Arunachal

    You just don't get it, do you ?
  4. boomslang

    India strongly reacts to reported Chinese claim on Arunachal

    I made my backyard extend all the way to Pittsburg on my map. Will be taking most of New Jersey for the front. A lot of people better start moving their shit, pronto !!!:bunny:
  5. boomslang

    When John McCain met ISIS !!!

    ...that Elvis is still alive ? Why would I want to change that ?
  6. boomslang

    When John McCain met ISIS !!!

    Sure. And did you know that Elvis is STILL ALIVE ? Him and Micheal Jackson run a taco stand in San Diego.:big_boss:
  7. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    You know what ? You are so convincing that you flipped me. I'm seeing things your way now. Them damned Jews are meanies!!!
  8. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    Not to my man, D.F. He's on an anti-Jew bender. Check him out.
  9. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    Got a real hard on for the Jews, huh ? Do you have to go searching for these goofy web sites or do you have them in your 'Favorites' ?:pakistan:
  10. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    So the Jews let the Pakistanis into the U.S. ? WOW !!!
  11. boomslang

    When John McCain met ISIS !!!

    'Well known' by you, maybe. The rest of the universe, not so much. :bunny: ....and a Mullah !!! The bastard !!!:rofl:
  12. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    Who will I blame if a Pakistani criminal knocks me out for fun or rapes my wife or sister ? (I don't have a daughter.) Who let you guys in ?:pakistan:
  13. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    I'll take that as some kind of slur against Jews. Very nice. How the f*ck do you guys find these stupid web sites ? You're a fountain of knowledge.:rofl:
  14. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    The laws banning Holocaust denial ? They're stupid. Who cares if people want to deny the most documented event in human history. Let them. No skin off my @ss. Deny what ever you want.
  15. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    You forgot the beer and pet dog.:enjoy:
  16. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    To the victor goes the spoils. I doubt Mexico would be the 'victor' in that fairytale.:rofl:
  17. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    Living in America doesn't make you an American, son.
  18. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    Maybe because it's the truth ? There never was, in all of history a Palestinian state. It's not my fault it's the truth.
  19. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    I really don't give a rats @ss what the 'Palestinians' do. Hang around, go away. Means less than nothing to me.
  20. boomslang

    why is denying the holocaust against the law?

    OUCH !! That hurt. A Pakistani telling me what kind of American I am. Talk about 'comic relief'.:rofl:
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