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  1. Chronos

    'Befitting reply' to Maoists if forces are attacked: Rajnath Singh

    actually a lot of them did bitch about the karachi airport attack being the handiwork of RAW. They raised these Mujahids to counter India and now that frankenstein has unleashed mayhem against Pakistan. And still they blame India the supreme irony. It would be funny, if it didn't involve...
  2. Chronos

    I think I am dealing with some haunting

    No surprise. Conversations with @Armstrong has destroyed my wit and my intelligence. what was left of it to begin with anyway.
  3. Chronos

    Couple beheaded in public over love marriage

    ‘Honour killing’ of 21-year-old pregnant woman in Ramnad - The Hindu Woman’s marriage with Dalit leads to honour killing - The Hindu Inter-religious marriage leads to honour killing in Kadapa - The Hindu Techie’s murder was planned: friends - The Hindu @hinduguy Both Pakistan and India has...
  4. Chronos

    Congress leader AK Antony questions party's minority appeasement stand

    @nair can explain this. this is not just about trade unions. Communists traditionally enjoys support from Ezhavas and lower caste communities. It stems from the land reforms communists did etc. But communists are on the wane. The new generation at least are not impressed.
  5. Chronos

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    bro? is that some hidden kashmiri terror word? Confess terrorist! :D This was what I thought too.
  6. Chronos

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    depending on the nationality, the description varies. Indian administered Kashmir becomes occupied etc. again, I blame Pandit Nehru for being an emotional fool and not letting go of Kashmir :tsk:
  7. Chronos

    Congress leader AK Antony questions party's minority appeasement stand

    Tamil Nadu as long as it has superior infrastructure and lack of unions will capture away from Kerala any manufacturing.
  8. Chronos

    Couple beheaded in public over love marriage

    Please. a we have had a dozen honor killings in Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh as well.
  9. Chronos

    Kashmiris concerned by plans for Hindu satellite cities

    Our one mistake has been spending, subsidising to the tune of billions of dollars, on a set of people who hold stone age beliefs. You take that money, and give it to a more industrious people in India, our nation could have progressed.
  10. Chronos

    Congress leader AK Antony questions party's minority appeasement stand

    if his statements are to appease the Nair and Ezhava community, that is caste politics. almost on a par with communal appeasement.
  11. Chronos

    Congress leader AK Antony questions party's minority appeasement stand

    unlike others, I do give credit to Antony for opening up the issue for debate. And coming from a guy of his political standing, it has to give some weight.
  12. Chronos

    Kerala Corner

    :o::o::o: Is this true?
  13. Chronos

    Sri Lanka cancels on-arrival visa facility for Pakistanis

    I don't know if Sri Lanka has the capacity. But if they present no security risks, and Sri Lanka can handle it, I would recommend some Ahmaddiyas and Christians being let in. It is too bad they have to pay a price for what they believe in.
  14. Chronos

    Kerala Corner

    @Gibbs yes, there has been a massive influx of migrants from other pats (northern India mostly). Cochin has become worse in terms of garbage and has increased in population. Allepey still remains a tourist hub :) Though IMO, Kerala still remains underutilised as a tourist state :) yes...
  15. Chronos

    Indian Political Corner | All Updates & Discussions.

    the guy seems to know what he is doing.
  16. Chronos

    Gwadar- turn it into a liberal city.

    Be prepared for a lot of backlash my friend :)
  17. Chronos

    Sri Lanka cancels on-arrival visa facility for Pakistanis

    If that is the case, then I see a problem here.
  18. Chronos

    Arabic Coffee shop

    Chess. pretty much everyone in my family plays that. My brother is really good in that.
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