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  1. victor07

    Russia Invades Eastern Ukraine

    There is a joke about how to destroy a weak country. Just give this country a battlecruiser. No way now to rebuild Ukrainian Army. Only talks and urgent economic aid.
  2. victor07

    Russia warns Ukraine against sale for long range missile technology

    G8 is like a club, nothing more. In Russia most of people will be happy if the country will for example get out from the World Trade Organization.
  3. victor07

    Russia warns Ukraine against sale for long range missile technology

    Probably you are late. The intensive suction process of top level Ukrainian engineers has already began (approximately in January). The destinations are obvious: Russia, USA (Canada).
  4. victor07

    Russia warns Ukraine against sale for long range missile technology

    To conclude something first do not forget who are the masters of current Ukrainian government. Current Ukraine's junta is completely illegitimate and is fully subordinated to U.S. administration. So the only chances that US get the technology. Others have no chances.
  5. victor07

    Unternehmen Zitadelle

    Quotes out of context, without reference to the books look like a bullshit. For example, Daniil Granin wrote to the Novoye Vremya newspaper (newtimes.ru in Russian): "Первый период войны немцы замечательно воевали и продвигались с большой скоростью. И чудом было то, что враг захватил...
  6. victor07

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    Probably ugliest girls
  7. victor07

    The Turkish Navy Superior To The Russian Black Sea Fleet ?

    Russia will place a regiment of Tu-22M3 (about 30 aircrafts) in the Crimea until 2016 and Iskander missiles as well. На аэродроме в Симферополе разместят ракетоносцы Ту-22М3 — Юрий Гаврилов — Российская газета Tu-22's weapons currently include up to 3 X-22 or 10 X-15. Moderinization...
  8. victor07

    Ukraine: Crimea poll opens with landslide vote expected for union with Russia

    An agreement signed on the adoption of the Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia. Подписан договор о принятии Крыма и Севастополя в состав России | РИА Новости
  9. victor07

    Ukraine: Crimea poll opens with landslide vote expected for union with Russia

    SIMFEROPOL, March 17 (RIA Novosti) - More than 95 percent of Crimean voters backed joining Russia and seceding from Ukraine during Sunday's referendum, the head of the Crimean commission for holding the referendum said after more than a half ballots were counted. According to Mikhail Malyshev...
  10. victor07

    Breaking Kiev snipers hired by Ukraine opposition - leaked phone call

    According to some observations, I have come to such conclusions. In protests in Kiev an active part took three categories of people. The first category were the most active fighters and most of the leaders of protests were from this category. They are all members of Ukrainian nationalist, Nazi...
  11. victor07

    Breaking Kiev snipers hired by Ukraine opposition - leaked phone call

    Some true facts and analysis about snipers in Kiev.
  12. victor07

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    First day of spring in the Crimea in photos Posters say that the Kiev government are traitors and Berkut are heroes.
  13. victor07

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    Press Service of the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the frigate Hetman Sahaidachny entered the Black Sea under the Ukrainian flag. ИТАР-ТАСС: Международная панорама - МИД Украины: фрегат "Гетман Сагайдачный" украинских ВМС возвращается в Черное море
  14. victor07

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    Ukrainian and Russian military authorities agreed on weakening the the blockade of Ukrainian military units in Crimea. Currently Ukrainian air defence troops are taken in Sevastopol and Yevpatoria. Border guards and marine troops and naval headquarters are blocked. However, the blockade is...
  15. victor07

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    I am in reserve of Russian Armed Forces and there is no mobilization in Russia. May be current Kiev authorities under mobilization imply giving arms to that bunch of nazi bandits, rapists and looters which we all have seen in Kiev? Then the people in Ukraine in big danger. No wonder trains from...
  16. victor07

    Ukraine Prepares For War. Troops on High Alert

    Ukrainian flagship fregate Getman Sagaidachny returning from mission in Aden Gulf refused to fulfil orders from new Ukrainian defence minister and raised Russian naval flag! Украинский фрегат «Гетман Сагайдачный» перешёл на сторону России | RT на русском
  17. victor07

    Russia-Ukraine: Basic outline of balance of power

    Southern Russians and Ukrainians (except western Ukrainians) are the same nation by language, religion, culture and ethnicity.
  18. victor07

    Russia-Ukraine: Basic outline of balance of power

    About nothing. Ukrainian flagship fregate Getman Sagaidachny returning from mission in Aden Gulf refused to fulfil orders from new Ukrainian defence minister and raised Russian naval flag! Украинский фрегат «Гетман Сагайдачный» перешёл на сторону России | RT на русском
  19. victor07

    what do you russians think about us

    As for me, I had no any personal relationships with Turkmens, so can say nothing. As for Turkmenistan, for me it looks like Mongolia, but with gas and oil resources and friendly to Russia. Due to the absence of access to the ocean, Turkmenistan is not the center of world politics. Turkmens...
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